(Latin: around, about, surrounding, closed curve, circling, circular on all sides; literally, "in a circle")
circumsolar (adjective), more circumsolar, most circumsolar
Relating to something that revolves around or is surrounding the sun: The earth is in a circumsolar course.
circumspect (adjective), more circumspect, most circumspect
1. A reference to being watchful and discreet; cautious; prudent actions: Linda behaved in a circumspect way while she was observing the code of conduct during her first visit at the governor’s house.
2. Relating to a something that is seriously considered: Shirley thought about her future after graduating from college with circumspect deliberations.
3. Marked by attention to all situations and probable consequences; being careful and sensible with professional advice: While figuring out her finances, Yvonne was very circumspect not to make a mistake with her investments.

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2. Relating to a something that is seriously considered: Shirley thought about her future after graduating from college with circumspect deliberations.
3. Marked by attention to all situations and probable consequences; being careful and sensible with professional advice: While figuring out her finances, Yvonne was very circumspect not to make a mistake with her investments.

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1. An action that involves making careful thoughts and observations before taking an action; using caution; prudence: "The principal at school used circumspection in deciding which of the applicants should have the teaching position for the upcoming year."
2. The trait of being observant and prudent: "Circumspection was typical of Roger because he always thought through each situation before he decided to get involved with it."
3. The ability to know how to avoid embarrassment or distress by thinking about possible risks before doing or saying something: "A good turn of circumspection saved Heather from being embarrassed before she thanked the wrong person for the wonderful invitation that she received to attend the celebration of the international sports event."
2. The trait of being observant and prudent: "Circumspection was typical of Roger because he always thought through each situation before he decided to get involved with it."
3. The ability to know how to avoid embarrassment or distress by thinking about possible risks before doing or saying something: "A good turn of circumspection saved Heather from being embarrassed before she thanked the wrong person for the wonderful invitation that she received to attend the celebration of the international sports event."
circumspectly (adverb), more circumspectly, most circumspectly
Pertaining to being careful and sensible in order to avoid danger: "By moving slowly and circumspectly, the soldier avoided being ambushed."

A soldier is circumspectly watching and cautiously striving to see if there is any danger lurking in the forest.
The quality of being cautious; the attribute of being careful before doing something wrong: "Craig definitely needed circumspectness while traveling abroad because he was not acquainted with the foreign currency, the language, nor the customs of the country he was in."
In geometry, a circumscribed sphere of a polyhedron which is a sphere that contains the polyhedron and touches each of the polyhedron's vertices (the points of geometric figures that are opposite their bases).
1. A condition or fact attending an event and having some bearing on it; a determining or modifying factor: Before the hiking trip in the mountains could begin, the weather factor was a circumstance of utmost importance!
2. A condition or fact that determines or must be considered in working out a course of action: Many people think that abortion should be allowed under certain circumstances.
3. The sum of determining factors beyond willful control: Jim couldn't do his homework due to the circumstance that there was a power failure during the night and he couldn't see well enough to do it.
4. A detail accompanying or surrounding an event; such as, in a narrative or series of events: In order to make his decision, Thomas had to consider each circumstance in turn in order not to make a mistake.
5. A formal display or ceremony: Very often the pomp and circumstance of a coronation is always shown on television.
6. A particular incident or occurrence: The circumstance of Jeffrey and Marjory getting married without inviting any guests really surprised their friends.
2. A condition or fact that determines or must be considered in working out a course of action: Many people think that abortion should be allowed under certain circumstances.
3. The sum of determining factors beyond willful control: Jim couldn't do his homework due to the circumstance that there was a power failure during the night and he couldn't see well enough to do it.
4. A detail accompanying or surrounding an event; such as, in a narrative or series of events: In order to make his decision, Thomas had to consider each circumstance in turn in order not to make a mistake.
5. A formal display or ceremony: Very often the pomp and circumstance of a coronation is always shown on television.
6. A particular incident or occurrence: The circumstance of Jeffrey and Marjory getting married without inviting any guests really surprised their friends.
circumstantial (adjective), more circumstantial, most circumstantial
1. A reference to certain details which are based on facts that allow a court to deduce that somebody is legally guilty without conclusive proof: Circumstantial evidence is actually founded on conjecture or surmise and not on sufficient testimony or verification.
2. Relating to something of no primary significance; incidental; not essential: Because the evidence was so circumstantial and of no real importance, the case was postponed to a later date.
3. Pertaining to a complete amount of details: Mr. Hathaway wanted to have a circumstantial report regarding the debate between the two parties.
4. Pertaining to speech that is characterized by unnecessary details that impede rather than promote communication: Jack's discourse on the topic of gardening was so circumstantial that the listeners lost the complete essence or idea of what he was talking about!
2. Relating to something of no primary significance; incidental; not essential: Because the evidence was so circumstantial and of no real importance, the case was postponed to a later date.
3. Pertaining to a complete amount of details: Mr. Hathaway wanted to have a circumstantial report regarding the debate between the two parties.
4. Pertaining to speech that is characterized by unnecessary details that impede rather than promote communication: Jack's discourse on the topic of gardening was so circumstantial that the listeners lost the complete essence or idea of what he was talking about!
circumstantially (adverb), more circumstantially, most circumstantially
So far as the situation is concerned: The account was circumstantially accurate.
circumstantiate (verb), circumstantiates; circumstantiated; circumstantiating
1. To set forth or to verify with examples.
2. To give detailed proof or a description of.
3. To provide evidence to support an argument or an allegation.
2. To give detailed proof or a description of.
3. To provide evidence to support an argument or an allegation.
1. The setting forth or verification of examples.
2. Having given detailed proof or a description of.
2. Having given detailed proof or a description of.
circumstellar (adjective), more circumstellar, most circumstellar
Relating to revolving around or surrounding a star.
circumterrestrial (adjective) (not comparable)
Regarding something that revolves around or surrounds the Earth: The Moon is a good example of a circumterrestrial planet which orbits around the Earth.
circumvallate (verb), circumvallates; circumvallated; circumvallating
1. Surrounded by a trench or fossa or by a ridge as, for example, the circumvallate papillae on the tongue.
2. Surround with or as if with a rampart or other fortification.
3. To protect a town or camp by surrounding it with a rampart or a defensive wall.
2. Surround with or as if with a rampart or other fortification.
3. To protect a town or camp by surrounding it with a rampart or a defensive wall.
1. A more or less continuous chain of redoubts and breastworks raised by besiegers outside the line of a besieged place to protect the besiegers from attacks from the outside; such as, by a relieving force.
2. A trench guarded with a parapet, constructed by besiegers, to secure themselves and check sallies of the besieged.
2. A trench guarded with a parapet, constructed by besiegers, to secure themselves and check sallies of the besieged.