cine-, cinem-, cinema-, cinemat-, cinemato-, -cinesia, -cinesis, -cinetic, -cinesias, -cineses, -cinetical, -cinetically

(Greek: move, movement, set in motion)

dyskinesia, dyscinesia (s); dyskinesias, dyscinesias (pi) (nouns)
1. A defect in the ability to perform voluntary movement.
2. A class of diseases in which voluntary motion is impeded or handicapped.
3. Distortion of voluntary movements; involuntary muscular activity such as a tic, spasm, or myoclonus.
glossocinesthetic, glossokinesthetic (adjective), more glossocinesthetic, most glossocinesthetic; more glossokinesthetic, most glossokinesthetic
Denoting, or referring to, the subjective sensation of the movements of the tongue: Dr. Smith, the dental hygienist, watched the glossocinesthetic movements of Alisa's tongue to check for any early signs of oral cancer.
hypercinesia, hypercinesis
1. Excessive motility (movement).
2. Excessive muscular activity.
oxycinesia (s) (noun), oxycinesias (pl)
A sharp pain experienced when moving: Dr. Thompson diagnosed Doug as having oxycinesia because of having pain in his muscles while doing exercises that required exertion.
palicinesia (s) (noun), palicinesias (pl)
An involuntary repetition of movements.
tachycinesis, tachycinetic, tachykinesis, tachykinetic
Moving rapidly.
telecinesis (s) (noun), telekineses (pl)
The power to move something by thinking about it without the application of physical force: The revelation of the actions of telecineses in objects as by a spiritualistic medium who can supposedly do it without contact or any other physical means.

Related "move, motion" word units: kine-; mobil-; mot-, mov-; oscillo-; seismo-; vibro-.