chromato-, chromat-, chromo-, chrom-, chro-, -chrome, -chromasia, -chromia, -chromatism, -chromatic, -chromatically, -chromy

(Greek: color)

achromodermia (s) (noun), achromodermias (pl)
A colorless condition of the skin.
achromophilic (adjective), more achromophilic, most achromophilic
Relating to the unability of cells not being colored by the histologic (study of the microscopic structure of animal or plant tissues) or bacteriologic stains used for coloring: Sometimes microscopic objects and tissues are achromophilic and do not absorb stains or dyes for coloring the material which certainly would be useful in research projects.
1. Absence or loss of pigment (colored substances) in the hair.
2. A lack or deficiency of pigment in hair.
allochromacy (s) (noun), allochromacies (pl)
The formation of other coloring agents from a dye that is unstable in solution: Jane read about allochromacy as being a way of to achieve a coloring agent from a dye which was variable in a mixture or colloid.
allochromasia (s) (noun) (no pl)
A change in the color of the hair and/or skin: Some reasons for allochromasia can be produced by variation in pigmentation, too much sunlight, or by a disorder.
A condition of staining fainltly or of having little chromatin.
Feebly staining or marked by a very weak staining; such as, a nucleus that contains little chromatin.
amphichromatism, amphichromatic
The occurrence of different colored flowers on individual plants in different seasons.
The unequal distribution of hemoglobin in the red blood cells, such that the periphery is pigmented and the central region is virtually colorless, as observed in films of blood from persons with certain forms of anemia caused by deficiency of iron; normal red blood cells show mild anisochromasia because of their biconcave shape.
anisochromia, anisochromatic
Not uniformly of one color.
1. A creative LED [l(ight-)e(mitting) d(iode)] a semiconductor diode that converts applied voltage to light and is used in lamps and digital displays which can be controlled to generate any color via a light panel or remotely by a switch.

These frosted polyethylene spheres are illuminated with high-power LED's and are designed for both indoor and outdoor applications.

2. A sphere, internally illuminated with high-power LED's enabling the sphere to be changed to any color a person desires.