(This suffix has no etymological source; it is just a part of other words.)
The deliveryman extricated his truck from the mud with the help of a farmer and his tractor.
2. To remove or to free someone or something from an undesirable situation; such as a trap or a difficult problem: Several survivors were extricated from the wreckage that resulted when two trains ran into each other.
3. Etymology: from Latin extricatum, "freed from perplexities; from ex-, "out of" + tricae, "difficulties, tricks, confusions".

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2. To make up or to create something; such as, a story in order to fool or to trick people: The journalists at the local newspaper were fabricating sensational stories in order to sell more copies of the latest edition.

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People are complaining that the political candidate is falsificating more often than telling the truth about what he will do if he is elected.
2. Etymology: from Latin falsificare, "to act dishonestly".2. To crawl or to collect in swarms; such as, ants: Mrs. Jones was quite disturbed by the many insects that she saw formicating across her kitchen floor!
3. Etymology: from Latin formicare, "to crawl like an ant".
2. Etymology: from Latin hypothecare "to deposit" ; from Greek hupotithenai, "to put under, to deposit as a pledge"; from hypo-, "under" + tithenai, " to place".
Sometimes surgeons imbricate specific layers of tissue when closing a wound or some opening in a body part.
2. To lay or to arrange regularly so as to overlap: From the street, it was easy to observe the workers imbricating the roof with tiles which appears to be harder to accomplish than flat-surfaced roofs.3. To form patterns in plants and animals that are producing parts being above and below each other: Fish scales are imbricated in a regular way as is presented in the picture below.

imbricate bedding (s) (noun), imbricate beddings (pl)
A shingle-like structure in a deposit of flattened or disk-shaped pebbles or little rocks: Imbricate bedding is an elongated and commonly horizontal area of small cobble stones in sediments which are deposited so they overlap one on top of another one like roofing shingles.
Imbricate bedding comes from strong currents that move over a stream.
The robber's confession is implicating two other men who were involved in the holdup of the bank.

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2. To wish harm upon; to invoke evil upon: The three witches in the Scottish play were on the moors imprecating against the Scottish lord.
3. To call down harm; especially, a curse on someone: After experiencing one disaster after another, the farmer was so upset that he imprecated against the weatherman because of the misleading forecasts.
4. Etymology: Latin imprecari, imprecat-; in-, "towards" + precari, "to pray, to ask".

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The teacher's in Karen's school often inculcated their student's with a sense of responsibility for achieving the best education possible.
2. Etymology: from Latin inculcat, "pressed in"; from the verb inculcare, "to force upon, to stamp in; from in-, "in, into" + calcare, "to tread, to press in" from calx, calc-, "heel".

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2. In medicine, to designate a remedy or method of treatment: The presence of a high fever seemed to indicate to Dr. Jonas that the patient might have appendicitis and would require immediate surgery.
3. A course of action, treatment, etc. which is to be suggested as desirable or necessary: The librarian, by directing attention to the SILENCE PLEASE sign, was indicating that the students were being too loud!
4. To direct attention to the presence or existence of a signal: The sailors believed that a red sky in the evening indicated that the next day would be good for sailing because of the saying: "Red sky at night, sailor's delight; red sky in the morning, sailors take warning".
5. To turn direct attention to by using the hand to signal an action: The outline of a hand on the traffic sign indicated that the bus should turn left to continue the trip to the sea side.
6. To state or express something by some small action without details: Alison's smiling face indicated that she was happy to be going shopping with her mother.
Tom used black dye to infuscate his shirt completely so all of the spots which were seen before were no longer visible.
2. Etymology: from Latin infuscare, "to darken, to discolor".