thermo-, therm-, thermi-, -thermia, -therm, -thermal, -thermic, -thermias, -thermies, -thermous, -thermy
(Greek: heat, heating, heater, hot, warm)
The term heat is employed in ordinary language in different senses. Some scientists distinguish four principal applications of the term:
- Sensation of heat.
- Temperature, or degree of hotness.
- Quantity of thermal energy.
- Radiant heat, or energy of radiation.
1. Maintaining a constant body temperature despite changes in the temperature of the environment.
2. A description of a chemical reaction in which heat is absorbed.
2. A description of a chemical reaction in which heat is absorbed.
1. Characterized by or accompanied by the absorption of heat, as a chemical reaction accompanied by absorption of heat and to which heat must be supplied if it is to proceed.
2. Storing up heat or energy in a potential form.
2. Storing up heat or energy in a potential form.
1. Describing an organism; such as, a mammal or bird, that maintains its body temperature at a stable level largely independent of (and typically higher than) the ambient temperature, primarily using generation of heat internal to the animal.
2. Heat absorbing; as, in a chemical reaction.
2. Heat absorbing; as, in a chemical reaction.
endothermic reaction, endothermic process
1. A chemical reaction during which heat is absorbed.
2. Warm-blooded animals; such as, birds or mammals; maintaining a body temperature largely independent of the temperature of the environment; homoiothermic.
3. Characterized by, or attended with, the absorption of heat.
4. Also known as homoiotherm.
2. Warm-blooded animals; such as, birds or mammals; maintaining a body temperature largely independent of the temperature of the environment; homoiothermic.
3. Characterized by, or attended with, the absorption of heat.
4. Also known as homoiotherm.
Heating of the body tissues due to their resistance to the passage of high-frequency electromagnetic radiation, electric currents, or ultrasonic waves.
Tissues may be either simply warmed (medical endothermy) or coagulated and destroyed (surgical endothermy).
A throbbing and burning pain in the skin: Erythromelalgia is often brought about by exertion or heat, affecting the hands and feet, accompanied by a mottled redness of the parts with increased skin temperature.
Erythromelalgia can be considered to be a rare disorder of middle age, characterized by paroxysmal attacks of severe burning pain, reddening, hyperalgesia and sweating, involving one or more extremities, usually both feet and the attacks can be triggered by heat, and are usually relieved by cold packs and limb elevation.
eurithermophilous (s) (adjective), more eurithermophilous, most eurithermophilous
In biology, referring to a form of life that is able of exist in a wide range of temperatures: An eurithermophilous microorganism is the water bear, or tardigrade, that can thrive in high and low temperatures, lots amounts of radiation, and even dehydration.
An organism which is tolerant of a wide range of temperatures.
An organism which is able to grow in a wide range of temperatures, said of bacteria capable of good growth from 28°C to 50°C and above.
A descriptive reference to an organism which is able to tolerate a wide range of temperatures in its environment.
Tolerant of a wide range of relatively high temperatures: Geraniums are known to be eurythermophiles and thrive very well, not only in moderae environments, but also in climates with 100°F in the summer months, like in Texas and Arizona.
eurythermophilic (adjective), more eurythermophilic, most eurythermophilic
A descriptive reference to an organism which can tolerate a wide range of relatively high temperatures: Camels, also known as "ships of the desert", are considered to be eurythermophilic animals that can endure climates with high temperatures as high as 120°F., and they can go without drinking water for a week or more.
1. A reference to an organism capable of maintaining itself over a wide temperature range; tolerant of a wide range of temperatures.
2. Able to tolerate a wide range of heat.
2. Able to tolerate a wide range of heat.
At an optimal temperature.

Related "heat, hot" word units: ferv-; pyreto-.
Related "bubble" word unit: ebulli-.