thermo-, therm-, thermi-, -thermia, -therm, -thermal, -thermic, -thermias, -thermies, -thermous, -thermy

(Greek: heat, heating, heater, hot, warm)

The term heat is employed in ordinary language in different senses. Some scientists distinguish four principal applications of the term:

  1. Sensation of heat.
  2. Temperature, or degree of hotness.
  3. Quantity of thermal energy.
  4. Radiant heat, or energy of radiation.

A dry and hot environment.
xerotherm, xerothermy
1. An organism capable of withstanding both drought and heat or capable of thriving in dry and hot environments.
2. A reference to any place that is dry and hot.
Describing or relating to a climate characterized by dry and hot weather conditions.
Xerothermal Period (s) (noun) (no plural for this phrase)
1. A postglacial interval of warmer and drier climate; approximately equivalent to the Altithermal period or the Subboreal period.
2. A long phase of the postglacial geological history of Europe with a warm and dry climate: "The Xerothermal Period is chronologically corresponding to the end of the Atlantic and the beginning of the Subboreal period (4,000-5,000 years ago)."
1. A reference to organisms tolerating or thriving in hot and dry environments.
2. Characterized by dryness and heat.

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Related "heat, hot" word units: ferv-; pyreto-.

Related "bubble" word unit: ebulli-.