thermo-, therm-, thermi-, -thermia, -therm, -thermal, -thermic, -thermias, -thermies, -thermous, -thermy
(Greek: heat, heating, heater, hot, warm)
The term heat is employed in ordinary language in different senses. Some scientists distinguish four principal applications of the term:
- Sensation of heat.
- Temperature, or degree of hotness.
- Quantity of thermal energy.
- Radiant heat, or energy of radiation.
1. A type of plant that does not tolerate extreme temperatures and which flourishes in an environment with a moderate climate.
2. A plant favoring intermediate temperature conditions, with a minimum of twenty-two degrees Celcius (71.6 degrees Fahrenheit) in the warmest month and a range of six (42.8 degrees Fahrenheit) to eighteen degrees Celcius (64.4 degrees Fahrenheit) in the coldest month.
2. A plant favoring intermediate temperature conditions, with a minimum of twenty-two degrees Celcius (71.6 degrees Fahrenheit) in the warmest month and a range of six (42.8 degrees Fahrenheit) to eighteen degrees Celcius (64.4 degrees Fahrenheit) in the coldest month.
mesothermal climate
A temperate climate with moderate temperatures.
mesothermal, mesothermic,
1. Of or having to do with a moderate or intermediate temperature range; such as, of a climate, habitat, geological process, etc.
2. Relating to a hydrothermal mineral deposit formed at considerable depth (intermediate pressure) and in the intermediate temperature range of 200-300°C.
3. Living or thriving in a temperate climate; mesothermophytic.
2. Relating to a hydrothermal mineral deposit formed at considerable depth (intermediate pressure) and in the intermediate temperature range of 200-300°C.
3. Living or thriving in a temperate climate; mesothermophytic.
mesothermophilous (adjective), more mesothermophilous, most mesothermophilous
A reference to an organism that favors or prefers to live in temperate zones: Some mesothermophilous life forms that prefer dwelling in mild habitats are slugs, salamanders, and pileated woodpeckers.
A reference to plants that live or thrive in a temperate or moderate climate; neither to hot nor too cold.
1. A reference to organisms that live in temperate zones.
2. A plant that lives in intermediate temperature conditions, with a minimum of 22°C in the warmest month and a range of 6-18°C in the coldest month.
2. A plant that lives in intermediate temperature conditions, with a minimum of 22°C in the warmest month and a range of 6-18°C in the coldest month.
microtherm, microthermy
1. A plant requiring relatively cold habitats with a minimum temperature of 6°C in the coldest months and a range of 10-22°C in the warmest months.
2. A plant that is native to an arctic or alpine region.
2. A plant that is native to an arctic or alpine region.
Living or thriving in a cold climate.
A reference to organisms requiring a minimum of heat.
microthermophilous (adjective), more microthermophilous, most microthermophilous
In biology, regarding a form of life thriving in cool or cold temperate regions of the northern hemisphere: Some microthermophilous microorganisms are able to grow and develop even below the freezing point.
monothermal, monothermic
Descriptive terms for the evenness of body temperature throughout the day.
1. Evenness of bodily temperature.
2. Absence of an evening rise in body temperature.
2. Absence of an evening rise in body temperature.
Relating to the increased temperature in muscular tissue resulting from its contraction.
An acceptable, typically healthy body temperature: Dr. Pastor advised Mr. Atwood that his daughter should remain in bed until she had three consecutive days of normothermia.
normothermic (adjective), more normothermic, most normothermic
A reference to a condition of regular body temperature: A general guideline to good health is that the more normothermic a person's body temperature is, the healthier he or she is.

Related "heat, hot" word units: ferv-; pyreto-.
Related "bubble" word unit: ebulli-.