nounc-, nunci-, nunti-
(Latin: messenger, message; make known, announce)
pronounce (verb), pronounces; pronounced; pronouncing
To utter, to speak, or to articulate using one's vocal organs for communicating information: Shannon was carefully pronouncing the man's name because it was not pronounced the way it was spelled.
pronounceable (adjective), more pronounceable, most pronounceable
Descriptive or characteristic of being stated clearly and made understandable: Tommy, the young student, was able to spell the more pronounceable words on the challenging spelling list.
An official or authoritative statement of information: The pronouncement from the head office of the factory about an increase in profits and wages was cheered by the employees.
Someone who is authorized to make formal statements about details of an agreement or a proposal: Charles Grant was the pronouncer regarding the union settlement with the company.
pronunciamento (noun); pronunciamentos, pronunciamentoes (pl)
Often a word used by people who are involved in political activities; such as, a disclosure or proclamation of what is desired and any actions that will be done to achieve their objective: The street fighters issued a pronunciamento about their intent to storm the embassy.
The way or the manner in which words or languages are vocalized; often reflecting regional accents, etc.: Sally and the other students appeared to be confused because Mrs. White's pronunciation of "oil" sounded just like the word "all".
pronunciative (adjective), more pronunciative, most pronunciative
Characteristic of how words and phrases are uttered or intoned: The pronunciative quality of Rosario's speech was remarkable and it even made conversations with her more interesting.
pronunciatory (adjective) (not comparable)
A reference to the typical or standard way in which a word or phrase is spoken: The very pronunciatory speech by Janet, the announcer on the radio, did not reflect the geographical region in which she lived.
renounce (verb), renounces; renounced; renouncing
1. To give up, to abandon, or to abdicate something; typically in a formal manner: Prince Arthur was said to have renounced his future as the king because he wanted to have a normal life without the responsibilities which would be required of a royal administrator.
2. To reject or to disown: The student renounced having anything to do with cheating on her test as the teacher suspected, because the girl had such a high score.
3. Etymology: from Latin renuntiare, "to report"; from re-, "back" + nuntiare, "to announce."

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2. To reject or to disown: The student renounced having anything to do with cheating on her test as the teacher suspected, because the girl had such a high score.
3. Etymology: from Latin renuntiare, "to report"; from re-, "back" + nuntiare, "to announce."

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An action that results in someone refusing to do something of importance: Edward's renouncement of his appointment to the Board of Directors was upsetting his father.
Anyone who takes steps to decline, to stop, or to relinquish something: The name of the renouncer of the lead role in the upcoming play was not made public.
An act of surrendering or giving up an activity; especially, a harmful one: Hank's determined renunciation of a lifelong habit of smoking was praised by his family.
renunciatory (adjective), more renunciatory, most renunciatory
A reference to the act of renouncing, sacrificing, or giving up or surrendering a right, title, or privilege, etc.: Jan took the most renunciatory step of her career and resigned from her teaching position at the university.
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