muni-, muner-, mun-

(Latin: service, performing services; duty, receiver of duties; office, function; gift)

1. To make payment to; to compensate.
2. To pay someone for goods or services, or to compensate someone financially for losses sustained or inconveniences that have been caused.
1. The act of paying for goods or services or to recompense for losses.
2. A payment or reward for goods or services or for losses sustained or inconvenience caused.
3. The paying or rewarding of someone for goods or services or for losses sustained or inconvenience caused.

This term often refers to the total compensation received by an executive, which includes not only the base salary but options, bonuses, expense accounts and other forms of compensation.

1. Paying someone, or rewarding someone, with money.
2. Yielding suitable recompense; profitable.
3. Payment or compensation received for services or employment.

This includes the base salary and any bonuses or other economic benefits that an employee or executive receives during employment.

1. A reference to yielding suitable recompense; profitable.
2. Characterized by serving to remunerate.
That which is profitable or lucrative.