licit-, licen-, leis-
(Latin: to be allowed; permitted; unrestrained)
illicit (adjective), more illicit, most illicit
1. Relating to something that is not allowed by the law: The illicit behavior of the rum runners who sold liquor illegally was the target of the international police.
2. A reference to something that is considered wrong or unacceptable by prevailing social customs or moral standards: Ronald believed it to be illicit behavior to go shopping on Sundays.

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2. A reference to something that is considered wrong or unacceptable by prevailing social customs or moral standards: Ronald believed it to be illicit behavior to go shopping on Sundays.
Sarah's father strongly disapproved of her decision to live in an illicit relationship with her boyfriend.

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illicitly (adverb), more illicitly, most illicitly
1. In an illegal manner or behavior: Houston illicitly parked his car in a no-parking zone and the police officer gave him a ticket for doing it.
2. In a way not allowed by custom or which is disapproved of by society: Randy's plan for illicitly having an "all-night celebration" of his wedding with loud music was not approved of by his neighbors.
2. In a way not allowed by custom or which is disapproved of by society: Randy's plan for illicitly having an "all-night celebration" of his wedding with loud music was not approved of by his neighbors.
1. The quality of not conforming strictly to the law: The illicitness of Rufus, the drug dealer, in selling his illegal narcotics to adolescents resulted in his arrest and prosecution.
2. Not allowed, unlawfulness: Steve was a race car driver, but he should have been more aware of the speeds at which he drove on the streets because it constituted illicitness and great danger to others.
2. Not allowed, unlawfulness: Steve was a race car driver, but he should have been more aware of the speeds at which he drove on the streets because it constituted illicitness and great danger to others.
1. Freedom to choose a pastime or enjoyable activity: In Jeanette's leisure, she prefers to read a book rather than to watch TV.
2. Time available for ease and relaxation: For an hour after school, Kitty has the leisure to go to the playground with her friends.
3. The duration during which someone has no obligations or work responsibilities, and therefore, is free to engage in enjoyable activities: After a heavy day of responsibility at work, Susan enjoys the leisure of playing games with her children.
4. Etymology: from Latin licere, "to be permitted, to be allowed".
2. Time available for ease and relaxation: For an hour after school, Kitty has the leisure to go to the playground with her friends.
3. The duration during which someone has no obligations or work responsibilities, and therefore, is free to engage in enjoyable activities: After a heavy day of responsibility at work, Susan enjoys the leisure of playing games with her children.
4. Etymology: from Latin licere, "to be permitted, to be allowed".
More about leisure in our modern times.
1. Actions that are unhurried: Heidi admired the leisureliness of the cows as they returned from the pasture back to the barn.
2. The time which is allowed to be free from work or duties: Irene always enjoys the leisureliness of summer vacation so she can relax and go swimming or go for walks in the park near her home.
2. The time which is allowed to be free from work or duties: Irene always enjoys the leisureliness of summer vacation so she can relax and go swimming or go for walks in the park near her home.
leisurely (adverb), more leisurely, most leisurely
Characteristic of being slow and relaxed: Charles always made it a habit to eat leisurely and to leisurely walk back to work from his lunch.
leisurely (adjective), more leisurely, most leisurely
In an unhurried and unforced way or at one's convenience: Usually Monday afternoon is a leisurely time to go shopping because there are not so many people in the stores.
1. The act of giving a formal (usually written) authorization to do something: The police requested a warrant or license from Judge Evans to inspect the warehouse for stolen property.
2. Official or legal permission to do or to own a specified thing: The young couple, Ray and Iris, obtained a license to get married.
3. A document, plate, or tag that is issued as proof of official or legal consent: David remembered to get a new driver's license before the old one expired.
4. Freedom to deviate deliberately from normally applicable rules or practices; especially, in behavior or speech: Margaret exercised her license to describe the characters in her new novel in realistic and hard terms, which are not typical for a novel.
5. Deviation from normal standards, conventions, or methods in order to achieve a certain objective or effect: The reporter exercised his license to describe the actions of students in the city center during a recent political activity.
6. Excessive freedom; lack of any restraint: Henry is taking license to choose where he wants to go for his vacation, regardless of the expenses and even if it means he will have to go into debt to do it.
2. Official or legal permission to do or to own a specified thing: The young couple, Ray and Iris, obtained a license to get married.
3. A document, plate, or tag that is issued as proof of official or legal consent: David remembered to get a new driver's license before the old one expired.
4. Freedom to deviate deliberately from normally applicable rules or practices; especially, in behavior or speech: Margaret exercised her license to describe the characters in her new novel in realistic and hard terms, which are not typical for a novel.
5. Deviation from normal standards, conventions, or methods in order to achieve a certain objective or effect: The reporter exercised his license to describe the actions of students in the city center during a recent political activity.
6. Excessive freedom; lack of any restraint: Henry is taking license to choose where he wants to go for his vacation, regardless of the expenses and even if it means he will have to go into debt to do it.
license (verb), licenses; licensed; licensing
1. To officially validate or to permit a person to do or to use something: Monroe was licensed to drive his first car at the age of eighteen.
2. Etymology: from Latin, "authority, permission"; from licere, "to be lawful, to be permitted."
2. Etymology: from Latin, "authority, permission"; from licere, "to be lawful, to be permitted."
licensed (adjective) (not comparative)
Relating to the official entitlement for some occupation or function: Marie was a licensed teacher, who was starting to work in a new school to teach linguistic skills, in addition to being a licensed pilot.
An individual, or organization, to which authoritative and written grant is granted to undertake a specific activity: Hans, the new entrepreneur, became the youngest licensee in his town to run a computer programming business.
1. An official who can give validated assent to a business or to an individual to participate in some activity: The local municipal official from the health department can act as the licenser for tattoo parlors.
2. A government agent who is in a position to warrant, to allow, or to legalize something; especially, with a formal document: When Joan moved to her new neighborhood, she was told that she needed to go to the licensor at the city hall to get an ownership tag for her dog.
2. A government agent who is in a position to warrant, to allow, or to legalize something; especially, with a formal document: When Joan moved to her new neighborhood, she was told that she needed to go to the licensor at the city hall to get an ownership tag for her dog.
The act of or the granting of licenses; usually, to practice a legal profession: James obtained a licensure so he could practice his profession as a physical therapist.
1. Someone who has been conferred formal ratification to practice or to teach a profession or skill: When Manual graduated from the university, he was proud to be the holder of a licentiate so he could start his own physical fitness studio.
2. A degree from some European and Canadian universities ranking just below that of a Masters or Ph.D.; or the person holding such a degree: Carlos studied diligently and his family shared his joy when he received his licentiate from the local Canadian university so he could pursue his desire to be a programmer for a computer company.
2. A degree from some European and Canadian universities ranking just below that of a Masters or Ph.D.; or the person holding such a degree: Carlos studied diligently and his family shared his joy when he received his licentiate from the local Canadian university so he could pursue his desire to be a programmer for a computer company.
A certificate that provides evidence of competence to pursue certain professions: Ann attended a well-known university for additional studies and obtained licentiateships in both physics and biological sciences.
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