dat-, dos-, dot-, dow-, don-, dit-
(Greek + Latin: dare, to give, a giving, given; a gift; to grant, to offer)
a datu (Latin phrase)
Translation: "From the date"; as in, This document will take effect a datu which is indicated at the top of the page.
a die datus (Latin phrase)
Translation: "Dated from a certain day"; as in, Jim's mother had her will legally established with the a die datus last year after she met with her lawyer.
The medical radiation amount which is expressed in roentgens that are provided: The doctor prescribed an air dose for the patient which was to be administered at the local clinic.
anecdotal (adjective), more anecdotal, most anecdotal
1. Pertaining to, resembling, or containing anecdotes: Andrew was researching the anecdotal history of jazz.
2. A reference to the relationship of figures or to the arrangement of elements in a scene so as to emphasize the story content of a subject.
3. Descriptive of personal observations, case study reports, or random investigations rather than systematic scientific evaluations: Greg was looking for anecdotal evidence as to who broke a window in his house when no one was there.
2. A reference to the relationship of figures or to the arrangement of elements in a scene so as to emphasize the story content of a subject.
3. Descriptive of personal observations, case study reports, or random investigations rather than systematic scientific evaluations: Greg was looking for anecdotal evidence as to who broke a window in his house when no one was there.
1. A short account of an interesting or humorous incident.
2. An interesting incident or brief history; story, tale, or short narrative; sometimes, a humorous account: Have you noticed that many public speakers begin their talks with humorous anecdotes?
4. A particular or detached incident or fact of an interesting nature; a biographical incident or fragment; a single passage of private life: Even among the ancient Greeks, there were two kinds of anecdotalisms: those given out publicly and those only known privately.
2. An interesting incident or brief history; story, tale, or short narrative; sometimes, a humorous account: Have you noticed that many public speakers begin their talks with humorous anecdotes?
4. A particular or detached incident or fact of an interesting nature; a biographical incident or fragment; a single passage of private life: Even among the ancient Greeks, there were two kinds of anecdotalisms: those given out publicly and those only known privately.
The latter kind was called anekdotos, "not published". The word was formed by combining a, an, "not", and ekdotos, "given out". From this source comes French anecdote and then English anecdote which originally kept the Greek significance of "unpublished narratives".
An unpublished narrative; especially, about interesting things and famous people, has a ready market; so anecdotes are eagerly brought out on every occasion, and the word lost its original sense, coming to mean simply "a story, an incident."
1. A short account or presentation of some interesting event or happening: The politician's anecdotes during his campaign were amusing; however, they were hardly the contents that voters were hoping to hear if he were elected.
2. Etymology: from Greek anekdotos, "unpubished"; froman-, "not" + ekdotos, "published."

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2. Etymology: from Greek anekdotos, "unpubished"; froman-, "not" + ekdotos, "published."

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anecdotic (adjective), more anecdotic, most anecdotic
1. A reference to consisting of or based on secondhand accounts rather than firsthand knowledge or experience or scientific investigation: The lawyer claimed that his client was innocent of any of the anecdotic evidence that was being presented to the court.
2. Etymology: from Greek anekdota; from an-, "not" + ekdotos, "published"; from ex-, "out" + didonal, "give."
2. Etymology: from Greek anekdota; from an-, "not" + ekdotos, "published"; from ex-, "out" + didonal, "give."
1. A person who tells, collects, or publishes short accounts of interesting or humorous incidents: Jill is skilled in telling anecdotes to her fellow workers about some customers.
2. Etymology: from Greek ekdidonai, "to give out, to pubish"; from ex-, "out" + dicdonai, "to give."
2. Etymology: from Greek ekdidonai, "to give out, to pubish"; from ex-, "out" + dicdonai, "to give."
A treatment, or treatments, specifically directed towards reversing or counteracting the effects of a poison: The doctor rushed the order for antidotal therapy at the hospital as soon as possible in order to save the life of his patient.
1. A remedy, remedies, or other agents used to neutralize or to counteract the effects of a poison: The doctor at the clinic administered an antidote for the child who was bitten by a snake.
2. An agent that relieves or counteracts: James found that jogging for an hour a day was the perfect antidote for the stresses of his job.
3. Etymology: from Greek antidoton, and from Latin antidotum; from anti-, "against" + didonai, "to give".

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2. An agent that relieves or counteracts: James found that jogging for an hour a day was the perfect antidote for the stresses of his job.
3. Etymology: from Greek antidoton, and from Latin antidotum; from anti-, "against" + didonai, "to give".

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1. The main clause of a sentence: "The game will be canceled" is the apodosis in the sentence, "The game will be canceled if it rains."
2. Etymology: from Late Latin, from Greek, from apodidonai, "to give back"; apo-, "from" + didonai, "to give".
2. Etymology: from Late Latin, from Greek, from apodidonai, "to give back"; apo-, "from" + didonai, "to give".
A primary traitor, specifically Satan and Judas Iscariot: In some religious faiths, Satan and Judas Iscariot are considered archtraitors based on the stories of their betrayals of others.
betray (verb), betrays; betrayed; betraying
1. To harm, or be disloyal to a country, or another person, by helping an enemy or giving information that is confidential: There are many examples of presumed heroes betraying their country by a casual comment to the wrong person or people.
2. To deliver someone or something to an enemy: The code in which a letter was written that was intended to betray the secrets of a government.
3. To act in a way that is contrary to a promise that has been made: Marla was very upset when she found out that her friend had betrayed her by posting private photographs on the internet.
4. To reveal something, or to show something, often unintentionally: Bill didn't say anything, but the expression on his face betrayed his eagerness to go out with Mary.
5. Etymology: bitrayen, "to mislead, to deceive, to betray"; from Middle English bi-, be-, "thoroughly" + Old French traien, from Latin tradere "to hand over"; from trans-, "across" + dare, "to give".
2. To deliver someone or something to an enemy: The code in which a letter was written that was intended to betray the secrets of a government.
3. To act in a way that is contrary to a promise that has been made: Marla was very upset when she found out that her friend had betrayed her by posting private photographs on the internet.
4. To reveal something, or to show something, often unintentionally: Bill didn't say anything, but the expression on his face betrayed his eagerness to go out with Mary.
5. Etymology: bitrayen, "to mislead, to deceive, to betray"; from Middle English bi-, be-, "thoroughly" + Old French traien, from Latin tradere "to hand over"; from trans-, "across" + dare, "to give".
An intentional or unintentional disclosure of private or secret information; disloyalty, double-crossing: Aurora exclaimed that the betrayal by her best friend was particularly painful.
An individual who gives away private or confidential information either intentionally or inadvertently: Harry was the most significant betrayer of Rena's feelings that could possibly be imagined.
Another term used for medical dosage can be seen at this posology page.