para-, par-

(Greek: by the side of, beside, past, beyond; contrary, wrong, irregular, abnormal)

paracenesthesia (s) (noun), paracenesthesias (pl)
Any abnormality of the general sense of well-being: After several months of gray, overcast skies, Dorothy experienced an overwhelming paracenesthesia.
A procedure in which a body cavity is punctured with a needle from the outside.

Paracentesis is most often performed to remove fluid for analysis to aid daanosis of medical conditions causing ascites, a reference to fluid which collects in the abdominal cavity.

Ascites can occur as a result of a number of conditions, including severe liver disease and the presence of malignant cells within the abdomen.

The paracentesis process may also be performed to relieve pressure due to excess fluid or to instill drugs.

Abdominal or thoracic paracentesis is most common; however, other sites include the pericardium and the scrotum

The procedure is usually carried out using local anesthesia and it is said to be quick and relatively painless.

parachronism (s) (noun), parachronism (pl)
An error in chronology; usually taken as one in which an event, etc., is given too late a date than the proper one: When planning their trip to Canada, the family miscalculated and set the return flight too late, and after school had already started! The children thought that this parachronism was just great!
paracme (s) (noun), paracmes (pl)
1. A point or period at which the prime in one's life is past; Tina's grandfather was getting much older and had to use a cane to walk being past his highest point of vigor in his life or, in other words. at the time of paracme.
2. The point when the crisis of a fever is over; paracmasis: After being very sick, Judy was happy when finally the doctor said that the paracme of her illness was past.
paracusia, paracousia (s) (noun); paracusias; paracousias (pl)
Any kind of abnormal hearing: For her internship program at the hospital, Dr. Lennox participated in the audiology program, studying all aspects of paracusia before deciding on a specialization.
paracusis, paracousis (s) (noun); paracusies; paracouses (pl)
Hearing loss which may be associated with inaccurate perception of pitch: Because of the paracusis which Iris was experiencing, she found it difficult to modulate her voice when speaking because she could not accurately hear the pitch of her own voice.
Ectopic pregnancy; a gestation elsewhere than in the uterus.

Often occurring in the fallopian tube with abdominal pain, fainting, and/or vaginal bleeding.

paradigm (s) (noun), paradigms (pl)
1. A representative example or model, pattern, prototype: The shift of a paradigm is commonly used to mean a change in the prevailing ideas or beliefs.

Mr. Freeman, the English teacher, made copies of Brock's class essay as a paradigm or example for other students in his class to strive to match and to do better with their writing.

Kirby's company is a paradigm of small high-tech firms which have recently developed in his field of applications.

2. A set or list of all of the inflectional forms of a word or of one of its grammatical categories: A paradigm is applied to the patterns of inflections (changes in the forms of words) that are used to sort verbs, nouns, and other parts of speech of a language into groups that are more easily understood and studied.

The paradigm is a new way of looking or thinking about something which is needed for better understanding.

When people change paradigms, they are changing how they think about something.

3. Etymology: from Late Latin paradigma, "pattern, example"; especially, in grammar, from Greek paradeigma, "pattern, model"; from paradeiknynai, "exhibit, represent"; literally, "show side by side"; from para-, "beside" + deiknynai, "to show".

Wikipedia has a similar presentation of the etymology of paradigm: The word paradigm has been used in science to describe distinct concepts. It comes from Greek paradeigma, "pattern, example, sample" from the verb paradeiknumi, "exhibit, represent, expose"; from para, "beside, beyond" + deiknumi, "to show, to point out".

A pattern of behavior or an example.
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paradipsia (s) (noun) (no pl)
An abnormal appetite for fluids, ingested without relation to bodily needs: Jack had an extraordinary or exceptional desire for drinking fluids, like soft drinks and water, without it being necessary at all!