par-, para-
(Latin: to make ready, to get ready, to put in order; to furnish, to prepare)
inseparably (adverb), more inseparably, most inseparably
Pertaining to the incapability of being divided or separated: Lynn's life is inseparably connected to her two daughters and their families and the loving relationship will last forever!
irreparable (adjective), more irreparable, most irreparable
A reference to something which is too bad to be corrected or restored: Oil spills have been doing irreparable damage to coastal bays and beaches, especially with the killing of millions of fish in the waters.

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The football coach did irreparable harm to his reputation and career when it was discovered that he had been depositing millions of dollars in Swiss banks in order to avoid paying taxes.

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so you can see more of Mickey Bach's cartoons.
irreparably (adverb), more irreparably, most irreparably
Concerning how something cannot be mended, restored, or renewed: The vast amount of rust damaged the very old lawn mower irreparably, so he bought a new electric one!
locomotor apparatus
The structures that permit movements of the body and its parts; such as, the skeleton, articulations, and muscles.
masticating apparatus, masticatory apparatus, stomatognathic system, masticatory system organs of mastication
All of the structures involved in mastication, including the teeth, jaws, temporomandibular joint (jaw joint formed by the mandible [lower jaw bone] moving against the temporal [temple and side] bone of the skull), muscles of mastication, tongue, and the associated nervous system.
Melius bene imperare quam imperium ampliare.
Translation: "It is more important to reign the empire well than to increase it."
Motto of King Rudolf of Habsburg, Germany (1273-1291).
1. A device consisting of a canopy attached to a harness that is used to slow the speed at which a person or object drops from an aircraft.
2. A folding, umbrellalike, fabric device with cords supporting a harness or straps for allowing a person, object, package, etc., to float down safely through the air from a great height; especially, from an aircraft.
2. A folding, umbrellalike, fabric device with cords supporting a harness or straps for allowing a person, object, package, etc., to float down safely through the air from a great height; especially, from an aircraft.
It is rendered effective by the resistance of the air that expands it during the descent and so, it reduces the velocity of the fall.
1. An organized procession including a number of displays moving down a street: The New Year's parade in the town consisted of many floats with gorgeous flowers attached to them, which was exceedingly spectacular.
2. A group of people organized to protest against something and marching down a road: The parade of students moved slowly down the street demonstrating against the high tuition fees at the university.
3. A display of items: The dinner following the wedding turned out to be a fantastic parade of many delicious courses, one following the other.
4. An assembly of troops for inspection: The soldiers in the parade were all lined up ready to receive their orders for the day.
2. A group of people organized to protest against something and marching down a road: The parade of students moved slowly down the street demonstrating against the high tuition fees at the university.
3. A display of items: The dinner following the wedding turned out to be a fantastic parade of many delicious courses, one following the other.
4. An assembly of troops for inspection: The soldiers in the parade were all lined up ready to receive their orders for the day.
1. A light, usually small umbrella carried as protection from the sun.
2. An umbrella made to provide shade from the sun.
3. Etymology: from French parasol (1580), from Italian parasole; literally, "protection from the sun", from para-, "defense against" (from verb parere, "to ward off") + sole, "sun" from Latin solem, sol).
2. An umbrella made to provide shade from the sun.
3. Etymology: from French parasol (1580), from Italian parasole; literally, "protection from the sun", from para-, "defense against" (from verb parere, "to ward off") + sole, "sun" from Latin solem, sol).
Etymology: from Old French parer, "to arrange, prepare, trim" from Latin parare "to make ready"; related to parere "to produce, bring forth, give birth to".