perit-, perien-, peri-
(Latin: test, tested; try; experiment; risk, danger, dangerous, hazardous)
imperil (verb), imperils; imperiled; imperiling
1. To put in danger or to expose to harm: A lack of water and sunlight will probably imperil the growth of the geraniums in the garden.
2. To threaten with extinction: There are 10 animals which are faced with obliteration and are imperiled, including the Lowland Gorilla in central Africa, the Fish Eagle in Madagascar, and the Vancouver Island Marmot in North America.

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2. To threaten with extinction: There are 10 animals which are faced with obliteration and are imperiled, including the Lowland Gorilla in central Africa, the Fish Eagle in Madagascar, and the Vancouver Island Marmot in North America.

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malapert (adjective), more malapert, most malapert
1. Relating to behaving in a rude, bold, discourteous, or disrespectful way: Rene's malapert behavior in the classroom resulted in his being sent to the principal's office for disciplinary action.
2. Etymology: from Latin malus-, "bad, badly" + Middle English apert, "open, frank" which came from Latin apertus, "open"; a description of a person, or something, which is "open" or "honest" in "a bad way" resulting in "not being polite nor respectful".

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2. Etymology: from Latin malus-, "bad, badly" + Middle English apert, "open, frank" which came from Latin apertus, "open"; a description of a person, or something, which is "open" or "honest" in "a bad way" resulting in "not being polite nor respectful".

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malapertly (adverb), more malapertly, most malapertly
A reference to being rude, impudent, impertinent, or excessively bold: Benny was malapertly behaving in class by whistling when he was supposed to be sitting at his desk practicing his spelling words.
A disrespectful boldness or impudence: Gerard's malapertness, or discourteous behavior, with customers resulted in his being fired from his position at the local department store.
parlous (adjective), more parlous, most parlous
1. Fraught with danger; that is, accompanied by problems, dangers, or difficulties: Chad embarked on a parlous trip down the river and over the rapids.
2. Full of or expressing nervous tension and anxiety: Shanna's mood was most parlous when she was preparing to make her first speech as a member of the government.
3. Etymology: a contraction of perilous; from Old French perillous (French périlleux), "dangerous, hazardous"; from Latin periculosus, which came from periculum, "dangerous".
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2. Full of or expressing nervous tension and anxiety: Shanna's mood was most parlous when she was preparing to make her first speech as a member of the government.
3. Etymology: a contraction of perilous; from Old French perillous (French périlleux), "dangerous, hazardous"; from Latin periculosus, which came from periculum, "dangerous".

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1. Exposure to risk of harm.
2. A source of possible or imagined harm.
3. To expose to danger or to the chance of injury; to imperil.
4. Etymology: used since about 1225, from Old French peril which came from Latin periculum, "an attempt, a risk, a danger, experiment"; with the suffix -culum and the root of ex-peri-ri, "to try"; cognate with Greek peria, "trial, attempt, experience"; empeiros, "experienced"
2. A source of possible or imagined harm.
3. To expose to danger or to the chance of injury; to imperil.
4. Etymology: used since about 1225, from Old French peril which came from Latin periculum, "an attempt, a risk, a danger, experiment"; with the suffix -culum and the root of ex-peri-ri, "to try"; cognate with Greek peria, "trial, attempt, experience"; empeiros, "experienced"
1. Involving exposure to very great danger; full of or involving danger: "Fears of a system-wide banking failure have receded, but we are still in perilous waters."
2. Involving or full of grave risk or peril; hazardous; fraught with danger.
3. Etymology: in use since about 1290, from Old French perillous, (French périlleux), "dangerous, hazardous"; which came from Latin periculosus, from periculum, "dangerous".
2. Involving or full of grave risk or peril; hazardous; fraught with danger.
3. Etymology: in use since about 1290, from Old French perillous, (French périlleux), "dangerous, hazardous"; which came from Latin periculosus, from periculum, "dangerous".
1. In a dangerous manner.
2. Dangerously; with hazard.
2. Dangerously; with hazard.