-cede, -ceed, -cess, -cease
(Latin: to be in motion; to go, to go away, to yield, to give up, to withdraw)
1. A localized collection of pus in part of the body, formed by tissue disintegration and surrounded by inflamed area tissue: Shirley had an abscess in her gums that caused her entire mouth to hurt.
The dentist was gentle while he was cleaning out the abscess in Jeffery's wisdom tooth.
2. A circumscribed collection of pus usually caused by microorganisms: The doctor decided to lance the abscess on Ann’s leg so the pus could drain.In the hospital Joan had several abscesses on her body as a result of lying in the same position for too long.
Abscesses can occur anywhere in the body, in hard or soft tissue, organs, or confined spaces; and because of their fluid content, abscesses can assume various shapes.
The internal pressure of abscesses can cause compression and displacement of surrounding tissue, resulting in pain, however it is part of the body's natural defense mechanism because it localizes infection to prevent the spread of bacteria.
3. Etymology: from Latin abscessus, "an abscess"; literally, "a going away," from the stem of abscedere, "withdraw"; from ab-, "away" + cedere, "to go". The idea was that humors "go from" the body through the pus in the swelling.
accede (ahk SEED) (verb), accedes; acceded; acceding
To comply with; consent to, approve; concede, yield to, acquiesce; to agree with, surrender to, conform to: The mayor acceded to the citizens' demands and a bridge was built across the river.
1. Way of approach, a means of reaching, passageway, entry: Switzerland has access to the sea by way of the Rhine River.
2. A way of getting to something or someone, admittance; entrance: The thief gained access to the safe in the store.
3. A sudden outburst or attack as of rage, disease, or emotion: Jeremy had a fit of passion which resulted in an access of fury or rage.
4. Etymology: from Latin accessus, "a coming to, an approach"; from accedere, "to enter upon"; from ac-, "to" (a variation of ad- before c + cedere "to move, to go").

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2. A way of getting to something or someone, admittance; entrance: The thief gained access to the safe in the store.
3. A sudden outburst or attack as of rage, disease, or emotion: Jeremy had a fit of passion which resulted in an access of fury or rage.
4. Etymology: from Latin accessus, "a coming to, an approach"; from accedere, "to enter upon"; from ac-, "to" (a variation of ad- before c + cedere "to move, to go").

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access (verb), accesses; accessed; accessing
1. To obtain information or data; especially, from computer: "A person usually can't access most of the data on a computer without having a password."
2. To go someplace and to be able to enter whatever it is: "Pete asked for a key to the office because he was planning to access the office after working hours to complete his report.
3. Entering, making an entrée: "The thief was accessing the vault while the political rallies were taking place."
2. To go someplace and to be able to enter whatever it is: "Pete asked for a key to the office because he was planning to access the office after working hours to complete his report.
3. Entering, making an entrée: "The thief was accessing the vault while the political rallies were taking place."
1. The attribute of being easy to meet or to deal with someone.
2. The characteristics of being available when needed.
3. A place that is easily approached or entered.
2. The characteristics of being available when needed.
3. A place that is easily approached or entered.
accessible (adjective), more accessible, most accessible
1. A place which is easy to enter, to reach, to use, or to approach physically.
2. Able to be appreciated or understood without special knowledge.
3. That which can be obtained, used, or experienced without difficulty.
2. Able to be appreciated or understood without special knowledge.
3. That which can be obtained, used, or experienced without difficulty.
accessibly (adverb), more accessibly, most accessibly
1. Friendly and easy to talk to; approachable.
2. Easily understood or appreciated.
3. Easy to get along with or talk to; friendly.
4. Capable of being read with comprehension.
2. Easily understood or appreciated.
3. Easy to get along with or talk to; friendly.
4. Capable of being read with comprehension.
1. The assumption of an important position; usually, a position of power: In the school play, little Thomas said, "I have attained accession to the throne and so now I am the king!"
2. The formal acceptance by a state of an international treaty or convention: Finally the war was over and an accession or confirmation of this was signed by all the countries involved.
3. Agreement or consent, usually when given unwillingly: Some of the politicians in the country had to accept the accession that the taxes would have to be raised more than they had planned in the beginning.
4. An item added to a collection: Over the years, Jack had added new accessions to his collection of novels by various authors and so his bookcase was full!
5. The right of an owner to add to some property by natural growth or improvement: The proprietor of the estate on which Henry built his house was not allowed accession to the acreage along the boarder.
6. The act of attaining or gaining access to a new office, a right, or a position; for example, a throne: After passing extensive examinations, accession as the principal of the high school was given to Marc Smith.
2. The formal acceptance by a state of an international treaty or convention: Finally the war was over and an accession or confirmation of this was signed by all the countries involved.
3. Agreement or consent, usually when given unwillingly: Some of the politicians in the country had to accept the accession that the taxes would have to be raised more than they had planned in the beginning.
4. An item added to a collection: Over the years, Jack had added new accessions to his collection of novels by various authors and so his bookcase was full!
5. The right of an owner to add to some property by natural growth or improvement: The proprietor of the estate on which Henry built his house was not allowed accession to the acreage along the boarder.
6. The act of attaining or gaining access to a new office, a right, or a position; for example, a throne: After passing extensive examinations, accession as the principal of the high school was given to Marc Smith.
1. A supplementary component that improves capability; such as, an optional part that may be fitted to something to perform an additional function or to enhance a performance.
2. Clothing that is worn or carried, but not part of a person's main clothing.
3. Someone who helps another person in committing a crime or avoiding arrest but who does not participate in the crime itself.
2. Clothing that is worn or carried, but not part of a person's main clothing.
3. Someone who helps another person in committing a crime or avoiding arrest but who does not participate in the crime itself.
1. Anyone from whom someone else is directly descended; especially, somebody more distant than a grandparent; such as, grandparents, great-grandparents; great-great-grandparents, etc.: Jennifer told her friends that some of her ancestors lived when George Washington was president of the U.S.
2. An animal or plant from which a species has evolved.
3. A device that was an earlier form of a modern invention or was used as a basis for developing it; such as, an object, idea, style, or occurrence serving as a prototype, forerunner, or inspiration to a later one.
4. A person from whom an heir derives an inheritance.
5. Etymology: from Old French ancestre or Modern French ancêtre which is from Late Latin antecessor, "predecessor"; literally, "foregoer"; from Latin antecessus, past participle of antecedere, "to precede", from ante-, "before" + cedere, "to go, to give way".
2. An animal or plant from which a species has evolved.
3. A device that was an earlier form of a modern invention or was used as a basis for developing it; such as, an object, idea, style, or occurrence serving as a prototype, forerunner, or inspiration to a later one.
4. A person from whom an heir derives an inheritance.
5. Etymology: from Old French ancestre or Modern French ancêtre which is from Late Latin antecessor, "predecessor"; literally, "foregoer"; from Latin antecessus, past participle of antecedere, "to precede", from ante-, "before" + cedere, "to go, to give way".
ancestral (adjective) (not comparable)
1. A reference to an inherited or inheritable by established rules of descent; usually legal rules.
2. Relating to, or belonging to, inherited from an ancestor, or relating to something belonging to former generations of someone's family.
2. Relating to, or belonging to, inherited from an ancestor, or relating to something belonging to former generations of someone's family.
ancestrally (adverb), more ancestrally, most ancestrally
1. A reference to a series of ancestors or progenitors.
2. A lineage, or those who compose the line of natural descent.
2. A lineage, or those who compose the line of natural descent.
A woman from whom a person is descended.
1. The former generations of someone's family.
2. Inherited properties shared with others of a person's bloodline.
2. Inherited properties shared with others of a person's bloodline.