cata-, cat-, cath-, kata-

(Greek: down, downward; under, lower; against; entirely, in accordance with, completely; definitely)

acatalepsia (s) (noun), acatalepsias (pl)
An abnormal inability to comprehend, or to understand: Some people have acatalepsia which is a form of mental deficiency.
acatalepsy (s) (noun) (no plural)
1. An ancient view that no more than probable knowledge is available to human beings: The explorers found the ancient documents about acatalepsy which clarified the Skeptical theories of knowledge.
2. The impossibility of complete discovery or comprehension; incomprehensibility: For Dave's cousin, advanced mathematics is an exercise in acatalepsy, reaching new degrees of not understanding.
3. The ancient doctrine that nothing can be known with certainty: Enrique's historical statement suggests that medical diagnostic or prognostic acatalepsy is inherently uncertain.
acataleptic (adjective), more acataleptic, most acataleptic
1. Conveying a condition of being deficient in understanding: Tracy's acataleptic mind simply could not understand the new concepts introduced in the advanced physics class.
2. Characterized by being unknowable or necessarily uncertain: As for the ancient explorers, when sailing across the ocean, they were experiencing acataleptic adventures.
acatamathesia (s) (noun), acatamathesias (pl)
The perception or sensory aspect of aphasia or dysphasia which is any disturbance in the comprehension or expression of languages as a result of a brain lesion: The diagnosis of acatamathesia came as a shock to the family, however it explained the inability of Sally, the mother, to comprehend casual conversation.
acataphasia (ay KAYT uh fay" zee uh) (s) (noun), acataphasias (pl)
A physical disorder in which a lesion to the central nervous system leaves a person unable to correctly formulate a statement or to express oneself in an organized manner.
acatastasia (s) (noun), acatastasias (pl)
1. Irregularity or deviation from what is normal: When a condition of acatastasia occurs, doctors often have trouble diagnosing the disease because of the abnormal symptoms.
2. Etymology: from Greek akatastasis, "disorder".
acatastatic (adjective), more acatastatic, most acatastatic
Irregular and incapable of being fully determined: The doctor made a guess that Joe's chest pains were the result of an acatastatic heartbeat.
allelocatalysis (s) (noun) (no pl)
The once held theory of mutual stimulation of cell growth: Allelocatalysis described the stimulation of growth in a bacterial culture by the addition to it with other cells of the same type.
Catalysis of a reaction by one of its products; also called "autoactivation".
A substance of biological origin that can catalyze a reaction; q.v. (quod vide = "which see"), an enzyme.
Used up while carrying on of the vital processes other than growth, or in the performance of function, referring to the energy derived from food.