
(Latin: division according to rank; class, division, army, fleet)

neoclassic (adjective), more neoclassic, most neoclassic
1. Belonging or referring to a revival of classic styles or something that is held to resemble classic styles; such as, in art, literature, music, or architecture.
2. Pertaining to, or designating a style of painting and sculpture developed principally from the mid-18th through the mid-19th centuries, characterized chiefly by an iconography derived from classical antiquity, a hierarchical conception of subject matter, severity of composition and; especially, in painting, by an oblique lighting of forms in the early phase and a strict linear quality in the later phase of the style.
3. In literature, characterized by, or designating, a style of poetry or prose, developed chiefly in the 17th and 18th centuries, rigidly adhering to canons of form that were derived mainly from classical antiquity, which were exemplified by decorum of style or diction, the three unities, etc.; and that emphasized an impersonal expression of universal truths as shown in human actions, representing them principally in satiric and didactic modes.
neoclassical (adjective), more neoclassical, most neoclassical
1. Characteristic of a revival of an earlier classical style.
2. Relating to or belonging to a style of art and architecture prevalent in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, characterized by the simple, symmetrical forms of ancient Greek and Roman art.
3. Pertaining to the European revival of Greek and Roman literary forms.
4. Referring to having the revival of classical principles or practices in art, music, and literature.
neoclassicism (s) (noun), neoclassicisms (pl)
The revival of a classical style in art, literature, architecture, or music, but from new perspectives or with new presentations.
neoclassicist (s) (noun), neoclassicists (pl)
Someone who works with art, music, and literature to revive or to renew their classical principles or presentations.