us-, ut-

(Latin: use, employ, practice)

Ab abusu ad usum non valet consequentia. (Latin term)
Translation: "The consequences of abuse do not apply to general use."

Used by legal specialists and suggests that a right should not be withheld from people because of others who abuse it.

abuse (uh BYOOZ) (s) (noun), abuses (pl)
1. A harmful treatment of a person, people, an animal, or animals: Recently there have been accusations of human rights abuses by some government officials of several countries.
2. The practice or act of using or doing something illegally: The governor's abuse of his power involved the buying of votes which resulted in his being prosecuted for malicious use of public funds.
3. Harsh and insulting words: The prisoner, who was on trial for murder, shouted abuses at the presiding judge accusing her of prejudice because he was a man.
4. Etymology: "to misuse, misapply", from Latin abusus, "a using up"; "misuse up"; from ab-. "away" + uti, "use".
abuse (verb), abuses; abused; abusing
1. To use wrongly or improperly: The fact that Troy abused his wife both mentally and physically was brought to the judge's attention during the court procedure.
2. To use or to treat something in a way that causes damage: Ricky abused his car by not taking proper care of it and driving excessively fast.
3. To attack someone with words: The baseball fans were verbally abusing the umpire for calling the player "out"!
4. To engage in corrupt practices or activities or to use in an unfair way: Too many politicians tend to abuse their governmental positions with actions that will increase their monetary lifestyles.
abuse, abuse, misuse, misuse
abuse (uh BYOOZ) (verb)
To commit corrupt practices or activities; to make unfair use: Too many politicians tend to abuse their positions with dishonest practices.
abuse (uh BYOOS) (noun)
Mistreatment, unfair use, improper use: The abuse of public funds is an outrage at anytime and especially so during this economic depression.
misuse (mis YOOZ) (noun)
Improper or incorrect use; misapplication, waste: Writing copies for ads was Vivian's creative talent, although she noticed a misuse of the word "who" in her writing.
misuse (mis YOOS) (verb)
To mistreat or to treat unfairly; to harm or to take advantage of: An arrogant man will generally misuse his friends.

A politician should be careful not to abuse the rights and responsibilities of his or her elected office. Audits of governmental departments often unearth information suggesting that some officials misuse their privileges.

abusive (adjective); more abusive, most abusive
1. Regarding the use of harsh and insulting language: Wayne's wife spoke to him in a more abusive manner than usual when he came home late without letting her know in advance.
2. Pertaining to the use or involvement of physical violence or emotional cruelty: Fortunately there are not as many people who are in abusive relationships as there are those who have good relationships.

Mary's husband was accused of resorting to the most abusive punishment of his children whenever they did not do what he told them to do.

abusively (adverb); more abusively, most abusively
Descriptive of how someone is treated with harsh and insulting language: There are too many people who are abusively offended with slanderous language.

Sarah's neighbor insulted her abusively with his attitude and foul language.

Abusus non tollit usum.
Misuse does not nullify proper use.

Generally, this maxim says that the value of a procedure, an object, etc., is not destroyed by improper use. It is extended to mean that the improper use of a word does not destroy its proper use, and those who "misuse" the language are not given the right to abuse words because of their ignorance or carelessness.

ad usum; ad us. (Latin phrase)
According to usage.

When Bill read the directions on the package, it mentioned to apply it ad unum for the plants and nothing else.

cautio usufructuaria
Security, that tenants for life give, to preserve the property rented free from waste and injury.
misuse (mis YOOZ)
1. Improper or incorrect use; misapplication, waste: "Writing ad copy was a misuse of her creative talent, although I noticed a misuse of the word who in her writing."
2. To use incorrectly, misapply; pervert, corrupt: "She misuses so many words it seems as if she is faking it."
3. To mistreat or abuse; harm, take advantage of: "An arrogant man generally misuses his friends."
4. To use something for a purpose for which it was not intended: "She’s been accused of misusing company funds to pay for personal expenses."
Experience is what helps you make an old mistake in a new way.
—E.C. McKenzie
perusable (adjective)
1. Descriptive of something that is read thoroughly and carefully.
2. A reference to that which is examined in detail.
perusal (s) (noun), perusals (pl)
1. A careful reading of printed material: Manfred told his daughter that the book about healthy living deserved her perusal.
2. A detailed examination of things or issues: Richard told his parents that, for his birthday, he had a list of guests for their perusal to see if there were too many to invite.
3. Etymology: from Middle English per, "completely, throughly" + usen, "to use."
The reading of information.
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