Calendar Names of Days and Months in Different Languages

(a compilation of several languages)

The dates displayed in these pages are based on a compilation of the phases of time as expressed in several languages with a presentation of fascinating facts, fantasies, and fallacies that have merged as elements of time.

The equivalents in all of the following languages have been written with Roman/Latin fonts (letters), even in those situations when a language actually employs different letter forms. For example, such languages as Greek, Georgian, Russian (Cyrillic), Hebrew, and Arabic are transliterated into the Roman/Latin-type fonts.

Latin months
Ianuarius (January)
Februarius (February)
Martius (March)
Aprilis (April)
Maius (May)
Junius (June)
Julius (quintilis) (July)
Augustus (sextilis) (August)
Septembris (September)
Octobris (October)
Novembris (November)
Decembris (December)
—Based on information from

Clockwork Man by Lawrence Wright;
Elek Books Ltd.; London, England; 1968.

Cassell’s New Latin Dictionary by D.P. Simpson;
Funk & Wagnalls Company; New York; 1959.
Latvian (Lettish, Latviska) days
pirmdiena (Monday)
otrdiena (Tuesday)
tresdiena (Wednesday)
ceturtdiena (Thursday)
piektdiena (Friday)
sestdiena (Saturday)
svetdiena (Sunday)
Latvian (Lettish, Latviska) months
janvaris (January)
februaris (February)
marts (March)
aprilis (April)
maijs (May)
junijs (June)
julijs (July)
augusts (August)
septembris (September)
oktobris (October)
novembris (November)
decembris (December)
—Based on information from
Berlitz East European Phrase Book;
Berlitz Publishing Company, Ltd.; Oxford, UK; 1995.
Lithuanian (Lietuvis'kai) days
pirmadienis (Monday)
antradienis (Tuesday)
treciadienis (Wednesday)
ketvirtadienis (Thursday)
penktadienis (Friday)
sestadienis (Saturday)
sekmadienis (Sunday)
Lithuanian (Lietuvis'kai) months
sausio menuo (January)
vasario menuo (February)
kovo menuo (March)
balandzio menuo (April)
geguzes menuo (May)
birzelio menuo (June)
liepos menuo (July)
rugpiucio (rugpjucio) menuo (August)
rugsejo menuo (September)
spalio menuo (October)
lapkricio menuo (November)
gruodzio (gruodis) menuo (December)
—Based on information from
Berlitz East European Phrase Book;
Berlitz Publishing Company, Ltd.; Oxford, UK; 1995.

Macedonian (modern) days
ponedelnik (Monday)
vtornik (Tuesday)
sreda (Wednesday)
cetvrtok (Thursday)
petok (Friday)
sabota (Saturday)
nedela (Sunday)

Macedonian (Modern) months
januari (January)
fevruari (February)
mart (March)
apríl (April)
maj (May)
juni (June)
juli (July)
avgust (August)
septemvri (September)
oktomvri (October)
noemvri (November)
dekemvri (December)
—Based on information from
Mediterranean Europe Phrasebook;
Published by Lonely Planet, Australia.

Also from information provided by Mr. Heinz Lutz,
of Oestrich/Winkel, Germany;
an “official-court language translator” for legal matters.

Macedonian months (Ancient Greece)

This calendar existed in the 9th to 7th century B.C. The year started in "Gregorian October" and was luni-solar, using a 354 lunar year with a periodic intercalated month of 29 or 30 days to keep it in line with solar motion. The Macedonians are believed to have divided the months by the full as well as the new moons.

Dios (30 days)
Apellaeus (29 days)
Andynaeus (30 days)
Peritius (29 days)
Dystrus (30 days)
Xanticus (29 days)
Artemisios (30 days)
Daesius (29 days)
Panaemus (30 days)
Lous (29 days)
Gorpiaeus (30 days)
Hyperberetaeus (29 days)

Mandarin (Chinese) days
xingqiyi [sheeng-chee-ee] 1st day (Monday)
xingqier [sheeng-chee-urr] 2nd day (Tuesday)
xingqisan [sheeng-chee-sahn] 3rd day (Wednesday)
xingqisi [sheeng-chee-suh] 4th day (Thursday)
xingqiwu [sheeng-chee-wuu] 5th day (Friday)
xingqiliu [sheeng-chee-leo] 6th day (Saturday)
xingqitian [sheeng-chee-tee-in] 7th day (Sunday)

Mandarin (Chinese) months
yiyue, “one month” [ee-yu-eh] (January)
eryue, “two months” [urr-yu-eh] (February)
sanyue, “three months” [sahn-yu-eh] (March)
siyue, “four months” [suh-yu-eh] (April)
wuyue, “five months” [wuu-yu-eh] (May)
liuyue, “six months” [leo-yu-eh] (June)
qiyue, “seven months” [chee-yu-eh] (July)
bayue, “eight months” [bah-yu-eh] (August)
jiuyue, “nine months” [jew-yu-eh] (September)
shiyue, “ten months” [shr-yu-eh] (October)
shiyiyue, “eleven months” [shr-ee-yu-eh] (November)
shieryue, “twelve months” [shr-urr-yu-eh] (December)

—Based on information from
Chinese in Plain English; Boye Lafayette De Mente;
Passport Books; Lincolnwood, Illinois; 1995.

There is no one Chinese language. In fact there are at least seven known Chinese languages, including Mandarin, Cantonese, Hokkien, Shanghainese, and Hunanese with large numbers of dialects and minority-group languages.

In 1956, the Chinese Communist Party decreed that the languange to be spoken in the Beijing area and in northern China would be Mandarin and as the Putonghua (“Common Language”) it would be the national language and it would be taught in all of the schools of the country.

Mandarin Chinese is also spoken and taught in Taiwan and Singapore. Younger people generally speak both Mandarin and their local dialect or language.

Mandarin Chinese is spoken by more people than any other language in the world with English being the second in number of speakers; however, English is the most widely spoken language throughout the world.

When people speak of “Chinese” as a language, they usually mean Mandarin Chinese, whether they realize it or not.

Norwegian (Norsk) days
søndag (Sunday)
mandag (Monday)
tirsdag (Tuesday)
onsdag (Wednesday)
torsdag (Thursday)
fredag (Friday)
lørdag (Saturday)

Norwegian (Norsk) months
Januar (January)
Februar (February)
Mars (March)
April (April)
Mai (May)
Juni (June)
Juli (July)
August (August)
September (September)
Oktober (October)
November (November)
Desember (December)
—Based on information from

Say it in Norwegian by Samuel Abrahamsen;
Dover Publications; New York; 1957.

International Dictionary in 21 Languages, by H.L. Ouseg;
Philosophical Library; New York; 1962.

Philippines (Tagalog) days
Lúnes (Monday)
Martés (Tuesday)
Miyérkoles (Wednesday)
Huwébes (Thursday)
Biyérnes (Friday)
Sábado (Saturday)
Linggó (Sunday)

Philippines (Tagalog) months
Enéro (January)
Pebréro (February)
Márso (March)
Abril (April)
Máyo (May)
Húnyo (June)
Húlyo (July)
Agósto (August)
Setyémbre (September)
Oktúbre (October)
Nobyémbre (November)
Disyémbre (December)
—Based on information from
Tagalog für Globetrotter by Flor and Roland Hanewald;
Peter Rump Verlags und Vertriebsges mbH; Bielefeld, Germany; 1993 and native speakers.

Polish (Polski) days
poniedzialek (Monday)
wtorek (Tuesday)
sroda (Wednesday)
czwartek (Thursday)
piatek (Friday)
sobota (Saturday)
niedziela (Sunday)