cardio-, cardi-, card-

(Greek: heart, pertaining to the heart)

cardangiopathy (s) (noun), cardangiopathies (pl)
Am ailment of the heart vessels: Mr. Martin was shocked when he found out that he had a disease called cardangiopathy that affected his cardiovascular system.
1. The opening of the esophagus into the stomach.
2. The upper portion of the stomach that adjoins this opening.
cardiac (adjective) (not comparable)
Near or relating to the heart: In Joan's book, all of the patients in hospital were suffering from cardiac weaknesses.

When Arthur went to see Dr. Smith, a cardiac exam was performed, and the doctor listened to his heart and and took his pulse.

cardiac arrest
1. A sudden cessation of the pumping function of the heart with the disappearance of arterial blood pressure, connoting either ventricular fibrillation or ventricular standstill.
2. The sudden stopping of the heartbeat and therefore of the pumping action of the heart.

Cardiac arrest requires immediate treatment to prevent brain damage and death.

cardiac cirrhosis
Congestive cirrhosis resulting from passive congestion of the liver due to congestive heart failure.
cardiagra (s) (noun) (no pl)
In pathology, goat or a pain in the heart: Old Mr. Williams suffered from a pain in the region of his heart and his doctor diagnosed it as being a case of cardiagra and gave him some medication to relieve some of his discomfort.
cardial (noun) (not comparable)
1. Pertaining to the cardia of the stomach: Jill found out that the discomfort in her tummy was related to the cardial region, especially after eating a good meal.
2. Outdated, referring to the heart; cardiac: While at Dr. Smart's office, the elderly Mr. Hathaway's cardial arteries were examined.
cardialgia (s) (noun), cardialgias (pl)
An uneasy or painful sensation in the anterior (front) chest or upper abdomen; heartburn; cardiodynia; pyrosis: Robert's cardialgia was caused by the reflux of acidic stomach fluids that entered the lower part of the oesophagus.
cardianesthesia (s) (noun), cardianesthesias (pl)
The specialty of giving special drugs that greatly decrease pain for patients with heart disease, especially for cardiac surgery: As an intern, Mark took extensive additional training in cardianesthesia so he could specialize in this medical field at the world famous cardiology hospital.
Extreme irregularity in the action of the heart.
cardiectomized (adjective)
Having the heart removed, as with a cardiectomized animal.
Excision of the cardiac portion, section, or end of the stomach.

A cross reference of another word group that is related to: "heart": cor-, cord-.