sutur-, sutu-
(Latin: sew, stitch)
A stitch is a single complete movement of a threaded needle in sewing or surgical knots for joining a patient's skin together after an operation.
A surgical suture material prepared from a substance that can be absorbed by body tissues and is therefore not permanent: Absorbable surgical sutures are available in various diameters and tensile strengths, and can be treated to modify its resistance to integration into a person's physique.
Each absorbable surgical suture is assimilated into the skin and therefore it does not need to be removed.
accouter (uh KOO tuhr), accoutre (uh KOO truh) (verb), accouters, accoutres; accoutered, accoutred; accoutering, accoutreing
1. In a general sense, to dress; to equip, but appropriately, to array in a military uniform and weapon: For the costume party in the evening, the two friends accoutered themselves as knights of the 16th century.
2. To equip and to outfit the body for military service: When Robert entered the service with the army, he had to accouter himself with his new uniform before the first roll call.
3. Etymology: from Old French accustrer, "to arrange, to equip"; from Latin a-, "to" + coustrer. "to sew".

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2. To equip and to outfit the body for military service: When Robert entered the service with the army, he had to accouter himself with his new uniform before the first roll call.
3. Etymology: from Old French accustrer, "to arrange, to equip"; from Latin a-, "to" + coustrer. "to sew".

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accouterment (uh KOO tuhr muhnt), accoutrement (uh KOO truh muhnt) (s) (noun); accouterments, accoutrements (pl)
1. Clothing that is worn or carried, but not part of one's main clothing; personal clothing, accessories, etc.
2. The equipment, excluding weapons and clothing, of a soldier.
3. Outward forms of recognition; trappings; such as, cathedral ceilings, heated swimming pools, and other accoutrements signaling great wealth.
4. Etymology: from Middle French accoustrement; from accoustrer + -ment, "result of an action"; from Old French acostrer, "to arrange, to sew up".
2. The equipment, excluding weapons and clothing, of a soldier.
3. Outward forms of recognition; trappings; such as, cathedral ceilings, heated swimming pools, and other accoutrements signaling great wealth.
4. Etymology: from Middle French accoustrement; from accoustrer + -ment, "result of an action"; from Old French acostrer, "to arrange, to sew up".
A stitch or sewing used by doctors and surgeons to hold tissue together which is placed so that it is completely covered by skin.
A surgical stitch material made from a portion of the small intestines of healthy ruminants; such as, cattle, sheep, or goats: The catgut suture can be sterilized and eventually, it is absorbed by body fluids.
Although the name implies the usage of the "guts of cats", there is no record of feline entrails being used for this purpose.
Another possible explanation for the name catgut suture is the combination of the words "cattle" and "gut".
A sewing together.
1. The occupation of designing, making or sewing, and selling highly fashionable; usually, custom-made clothing for women.
2. Dressmakers and fashion designers who are considered as a group.
3. Etymology: from French cousture, "to sew"; from Latin consuere, "to sew together"; from com, "together" +suere, "to sew".
2. Dressmakers and fashion designers who are considered as a group.
3. Etymology: from French cousture, "to sew"; from Latin consuere, "to sew together"; from com, "together" +suere, "to sew".
infrasutural (adjective), more infrasutural, most infrasutural
Relating to a place that is situated below the fine thread or other material used surgically to close a wound or to join tissues.
mattress suture
A continuous suture through both lips of a wound, in which when a stitch has been taken the thread is tied, and the needle inserted on the same side from which it emerged.
nonabsorbable suture (noun), non absorbable sutures (pl)
A surgical thread made from a material that cannot be taken into the body: Some nonabsorbable sutures such, as silk, silkworm gut, horsehair, certain synthetic materials, or even wire, can be used in operations.
relaxation suture
A suture that may be loosened to relieve excessive tension.
A sewing of two edges together; especially of skin: The suturae are performed by surgeons after operations of the epidermis.
sutural (adjective), more sutural, most sutural
A reference to a surgical stitching that is used by doctors and surgeons to hold bodily tissue together.
An articulation between two bones; that is, the point of connection between two bones or elements of a skeleton; especially, if the articulation allows motion.
An area where two bones are attached for the purpose of moving body parts.
An articulation, or joint, is usually formed of fibrous connective tissue and cartilage and the joints are grouped according to their motion:
- A ball and socket joint.
- A hinge joint.
- A condyloid joint (a joint that permits all forms of angular movement except axial rotation).
- A pivot joint.
- A gliding joint.
- A saddle joint
- Gliding, one bony surface that glides on another without angular or rotatory movement.
- Angular, occurs only between long bones, increasing or decreasing the angle between the bones.
- Circumduction, occurs in joints composed of the head of a bone and an articular cavity, the long bone describing a series of circles, the whole forming a cone.
- Rotation, a bone that moves around a central axis without moving from this axis.
Joints can move in four and only four ways:
Fibers that unite, or tie together, opposed bones forming a cranial suture.
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