
(Latin: the best, most favorable, most desirable; exceptionally good)

Amicus optima vitae possessio. (Latin motto)
Translation "A friend is the greatest treasure of life."

Motto of German Emperor Albrecht of Habsburg (1438-1439).

Magnus opus, nulli secundus, optimus cognito, ergo sum! (from Latin)

A Masterpiece, second to none, The best; Therefore, I am!

The grammatical structure is not correct: Magnus should be Magnum, secundus should be secundum and optimus should be optimum.

This was a hand-lettered sign in George E. Ohr's pottery shop (BILOLXI ART POTTERY) in Biloxi, Mississippi (1895-1905).

Ohr made pottery that featured rims that had been crumpled like the edges of a burlap bag and pitchers that seemed deliberately twisted and vases warped as if melted in the kiln.

The colors of his works exploded with color; vivid reds juxtaposed with gunmetal grays, olive greens splattered across bright oranges, and royal blues mottled on mustard yellows and he created fantastic shapes glazed with wild colors in his "Pot-Ohr-E".

Ohr once said, "I am the apostle of individuality, the brother of the human race, but I must be myself and I want every vase of mine to be itself."

In 1909, claiming he hadn't sold even one of his mud babies in more than 25 years, Ohr closed his shop.

Although he was just 52, he never threw another pot. When he inherited a comfortable sum after his parents died, he devoted the rest of his life to enhancing his reputation as a "looney".

Still confident that the time would come when his work would be recognized, Ohr died of throat cancer at the age of 60 in 1918. Now, the same pots scorned a century ago sell from $20,000 to $60,000 each. Today, Ohr is hailed as a "clay prophet" and "the Picasso of art pottery."

—Compiled from excerpts in "The Mad potter of Biloxi"
by Bruce Watson in the Smithsonian; February, 2004; pages 88-94.
Nil nisi optimum. (Latin saying)
Translation: "Nothing but the best."
optimal (AHP tuh muhl) (adjective) (not comparative)
1. Pertaining to the most desirable or favorable under existing conditions: The pilot of the passenger place waited for optimal weather conditions before taking off from the airport.
2. Relating to that which is most desirably possible under a restriction expressed or implied: William and Janice are hoping for an optimal return on their financial investment.
3. A reference to producing or likely to produce the best result: Shirley and her doctor concluded that surgery was the optimal course to take under the circumstances.

The medical report stated that eight hours of sleep is optimal for most adults.

optimal allocation (s) (noun), optimal allocations (pl)
The use of limited resources; especially, energy and time, in order to achieve certain objectives.
optimal control (s) (noun), optimal controls (pl)
A control method in which a system's response to a commanded input is judged to be best as related to a specific performance criterion, considering the dynamics of the process to be controlled and the limitations of the involved measurements.
optimal depletion (s) (noun), optimal depletions (pl)
optimal proportion (s) (noun), optimal proportions (pl)
optimally (adverb), more optimally, most optimally
1. A reference to something which is done in a most desirable way.
2. A description of the best or most efficient way of doing coding in time, space, or code size.
optimate (s) (noun), optimates (pl)
1. The aristocracy of ancient Rome.
2. Literally, adherents of the best men.
optimism (s) (noun), optimisms (pl)
1. The tendency to believe, to expect, or to hope that things will turn out well.
2. The attitude of a person who feels positive or confident about something or someone.
3. A cheerful habit of mind characterized by an inclination to believe that the uncertainties of the present will be resolved favorably.
4. The belief that things are continually getting better and that good will ultimately triumph over evil.
5. Etymology: from 1782, French optimisme (1737), from Modern Latin optimum, used by Leibnitz (in Théodicée, 1710) to mean "the greatest good", from Latin optimus, "the best".
optimist (s) (noun), optimists (pl)
1. Someone who believes that the best can and will take place.
2. A person who tends to expect that good things will happen.
3. Somebody who tends to feel hopeful and positive about future outcomes.
4. Anyone who looks on the bright side of things, or takes hopeful views; as opposed to a pessimist.
optimistic (adjective), more optimistic, most optimistic
1. Descriptive of a person who takes a hopeful and positive view of future outcomes.
2. A reference to someone who is convinced that the future will be the best and who tends to expect that very good things will happen.
optimistically (adverb), more optimistically, most optimistically
A reference to someone who has a favorable view of events or conditions and who expects the most favorable outcomes: Mark talked optimistically about the future of his children.
optimization (s) (noun), optimizations (pl)
1. An act, process, or methodology of making something; such as, a design, system, or decision, as fully perfect, functional, or effective as possible.
2. The procedure, or procedures, used to make a system or design as effective or functional as possible; especially, the mathematical techniques that are involved.
3. The best of anything including the design and operation of a system or process to make it as good as possible in some defined sense.