
(Latin: measure; suitable; size, limit, way, method; rhythm, harmony)

modulate (verb), modulates; modulated; modulating
1. To adjust or to adapt to a certain proportion; to regulate: In order to have the radio turned down low is to modulate the volume to a normal level for easier listening.
2. To change or to vary the pitch, intensity, or tone; such as, a person's voice or a musical instrument: Jackie had to modulate her violin so the four strings had the correct pitches.

The TV announcer was modulating his voice in order to avoid speaking in a monotone or one unvaried pitch with little or no inflection or cadence.

To regulate, to adjust, or to decrease.
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1. The transmission of a signal by using it to vary a carrier wave; changing the carrier's amplitude or frequency or phase.
2. The fact of changing in some characteristic way the amplitude, frequency, or phase of a wave, or the velocity of the electrons in an electron beam.
3. A manner of speaking in which the loudness or pitch or tone of the voice is modified.
4. The rise and fall of the voice pitch.
5. A musical passage moving from one key to another.
6. Etymology: "act of singing" or "making music", from Old French modulation, "act of making music"; from Latin modulationem, modulatio, "rhythmical measure, singing and playing, melody"; from modulatus, modulari, "to regulate, to measure off properly"; from Latin modulus, "small measure".
1. A self-contained component (unit or item) which is used in combination with other components.
2. In computer science, a part of a program that carries out a specific function and which may be used alone or combined with other modules of the same program.
3. In electronics, a self-contained assembly of electronic components and circuitry, such as a stage in a computer, that is installed as a unit.
4. A standard or unit of measurement.
5. The detachable compartment of a spacecraft which performs a specific task or class of tasks in support of the major function of the craft.
6. One of the inherent cognitive or perceptual powers of the mind.
7. Etymology: "an allotted measure" from Middle French module; from Latin modulus, "small measure", from modus, "measure, manner".

The meaning of an "interchangeable part" was first recorded in 1955; and the reference to the "separate section of a spacecraft" is from 1961.

modus operandi (s), M.O. (moh" duhs ahp" uh RAHN dee) (noun), modi operandi (moh" dee ahp" uh RAHN dee) (pl)
A scheme which is used when trying to succeed in doing something: A modus operandi involves a process of accomplishing something with a certain approach or a specific procedure; such as, a criminal who uses a unique modus operandi can be more accurately identified by the particular way he or she has committed an unlawful act.

A modus operandi is not restricted just to police or criminal use because it also refers to any plan, technique, or system for achieving an objective or purpose.

A mode or manner of working or operating.
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modus vivendi (MOH duhs vi VEN dee) (noun), modi vivendi (MOH dee vi VEN dee) (pl)
1. A way of living, a way of life; a way of getting along together: Any modus vivendi is a compromise or living arrangements between people of differing interests or opinions.
2. The temporary arrangement between two or more parties, or countries, to enable them to get along together, pending a full settlement of a dispute: The nations worked out a modus vivendi in order to avoid war.

There are some authorities who maintain that modus vivendi should describe only a truce between disputing parties until there is a settlement of their disagreements.

3. Etymology: a Latin phrase which means "manner of living" in English.
A temporary way of living or having a special arrangement.
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1. A container into which liquid is poured to create a given shape or form when it hardens.
2. A frame or model around or on which something is formed or shaped.
3. A fixed or restrictive pattern or form.
4. Etymology: "a hollow shape" from the 12th century, from Old French modle; then from French moule; from Latin modulum, modulus, "measure, model" and ,I>modus, "manner".
moldable (adjective), more moldable, most moldable
Suitable of being modeled or shaped by using a soft material: The clay that Mike was using was moldable, or mouldable, because it was pliant enough to be formed with his hands.
molder, molders
1. Someone who forms things or makes shapes.
2. A shaped cavity used to give a definite form to fluid or plastic material.
3. A tool for making molds.
1. The act of creating something by casting it into a mold.
2. A preliminary sculpture in wax or clay from which a finished work can be copied.
3. A sculpture produced by molding.
1.A state of mind or emotion.
2. A set of verb forms or inflections used to indicate the speaker's attitude toward the factuality or likelihood of the action or condition expressed.

In English, the indicative mood is used to make factual statements, the subjunctive mood to indicate doubt or unlikelihood, and the imperative mood to express a command.

3. Etymology: "a grammatical form indicating the function of a verb" from 1569, and an alteration of mode, but the grammatical and musical (1597) usages of it influenced the meaning of mood in phrases such as "light-hearted mood".
1. A container into which liquid is poured to create a given shape when it hardens.
2. A sculpture produced by molding.
3. Etymology: "a hollow shape" from the 12th century; from Old French modle from French moule; from Latin modulum, modulus, "measure, model" a form of modus, "manner".
phase modulation, PM
1. A type of electronic modulation in which the phase of a carrier wave is varied in order to transmit the information contained in the signal.
2. Varying the angle of a wave in a carrier in order to transmit analog or digital data.

For digital signals, phase modulation (PM) is widely used in conjunction with amplitude modulation (AM); for example, quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) uses both phase and amplitude modulation to create different binary states for transmission.

turmoil (s) (noun), turmoils (pl)
1. A state of great confusion, disorder, and pandemonium: The classroom was full of turmoil; as, the extremely loud children were standing on tables, chairs were turned over, the blackboard was covered with drawings, etc. because the teacher came a half hour late to the class!
2. A disruptive event that causes wild and uncontrollable disturbances: The extreme commotion, created by the sudden cloudburst in front of the opera building after the performance, resulted in a big turmoil because so many people wanted to go home by taxi at the same time!
3. Etymology: perhaps an alteration of Middle French tremouille, "mill hopper", a reference to the hopper's constant motion of going back and forth, from Latin trimodia, "vessel containing three modii", from modius, "a Roman dry measure", related to modus, "measure".
Agitation, commotion, or extreme confusion.
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ultramodern (adjective), more ultramodern, most ultramodern
Completely up-to-date and more modern than anything comparable; especially, in using the very latest designs or making use of the most advanced technology: The Jacksons decided to build a new house using ultramodern electronic devices for their kitchen equipment, for locking up their house, and for the radio and TV systems they would be using.
Very advanced in style, taste, ideas, or techniques; futuristic.
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