cap-, cip-, capt-, cept-, ceive, -ceipt, -ceit, -cipient
(Latin: catch, seize, take, take hold of, receive, contain, hold; caught, taken prisoner)
Don't confuse the words in this cap-, cip- unit with those in the capit-, capt-, "head; leader, chief", or "first" unit of words.
archaeological recovery, archeological recovery (s) (noun); archaeological recoveries; archeological recoveries (pl)
The act or process of obtaining artifacts from a site for the purpose of deriving archaeological data: On her first day at the historical site, Violet was overwhelmed at the detailed work of the archaeological recovery of the jugs and cups found beneath the old school house.
Etymology: from Old North French, from Middle Latlin capulum, "lasso, rope, halter for cattle"; from Latin capere, "to take, to seize".
1. A cowardly wretch and a despicable person.
2. Etymology: from Middle English, from Norman French, caitif, "captive, miserable" from Latin captivum, from captus, capere, "to take, to hold, to seize".
2. Etymology: from Middle English, from Norman French, caitif, "captive, miserable" from Latin captivum, from captus, capere, "to take, to hold, to seize".
caitiff (adjective), more caitiff, most caitiff
1. Descriptive of someone who is cowardly, contemptible, malicious, and loathsome: In the novel that Grace was reading, the caitiff character was described as being a terrible and abhorrent person.
2. Etymology: from French caitif, "weak, sickly, miserable, wretched" and ultimately from Latin captivus, "captive".

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2. Etymology: from French caitif, "weak, sickly, miserable, wretched" and ultimately from Latin captivus, "captive".

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1. The capacity to do something: To become a pilot you have to possess the full physical and mental capabilities of doing the job successfully.
2. An aspect of something which is able to be developed; potentiality: Tim was so talented and so musical that he had the capability of entering the music academy abroad.
2. An aspect of something which is able to be developed; potentiality: Tim was so talented and so musical that he had the capability of entering the music academy abroad.
Even though the house was quite neglected and partly decayed, it had great possibilities and the capability of being rebuilt into a great place!
3. The power of a country's resources to embark on a certain kind of military undertaking: The little, but strong, nation had the capability of producing nuclear weapons.
capable (adjective), more capable, most capable
A reference to someone who is able to achieve something; skilled, competent: Jesse was capable of lifting 500 pounds with no sweat.
capably (adverb), more capably, most capably
Characterizing how a person performs competently: Joan worked capably at her computer while filling out the forms required by her supervisor.
capacious (kuh PAY shuhs) (adjective), more capacious, most capacious
1. A reference to that which can contain a large amount or quantity; roomy and spacious or large in area: James likes a jacket with more capacious pockets so he can stuff a lot of things into them.
2. Etymology: from Latin capax, capac-; from capere, "to take".

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2. Etymology: from Latin capax, capac-; from capere, "to take".

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so you can see more of Mickey Bach's cartoons.
capaciously (adverb), more capaciously, most capaciously
Descriptive of how something can hold a lot of things: Glenda's car was capaciously large enough for her to take all of her four children and dog for a trip.
An electronic device that is capable of storing an electric charge; especially, one that has two conductors separated by a dielectric (insulating or nonconducting material).
1. Amount of room or space inside; largest amount that can be held by a container: A gallon can has a capacity of four quarts.
2. The ability to receive, hold, or absorb the maximum amount that can be contained or produced: The capacity of the theater was 1500 seats and it was usually filled to capacity.
3. The capability to learn or to do; power or fitness: Sabina has a great capacity for learning.
4. The ability to withstand some force or to perform some function: Metal is known for its capacity to retain heat.
5. Maximum output: During the war, steel factories worked at full capacity.
6. A position or relation; legal power or qualification: A person may act in the capacity of a guardian, trustee, voter, friend, etc.
7. Etymology: from Latin capacitatem, capacitas, "breadth, spacious"; from capax, "able to hold much"; from capere "to take".
2. The ability to receive, hold, or absorb the maximum amount that can be contained or produced: The capacity of the theater was 1500 seats and it was usually filled to capacity.
3. The capability to learn or to do; power or fitness: Sabina has a great capacity for learning.
4. The ability to withstand some force or to perform some function: Metal is known for its capacity to retain heat.
5. Maximum output: During the war, steel factories worked at full capacity.
6. A position or relation; legal power or qualification: A person may act in the capacity of a guardian, trustee, voter, friend, etc.
7. Etymology: from Latin capacitatem, capacitas, "breadth, spacious"; from capax, "able to hold much"; from capere "to take".
1. A round device that is turned or rotated around a vertical spindle and makes a circular movement by using a motor or lever so it can wind a heavy rope; especially, on a ship or at a sea port.
2. Etymology: from Latin capistrum halter, from capere, "to hold".
2. Etymology: from Latin capistrum halter, from capere, "to hold".
1. In pharmacology, a small round container which is soluble and enclosing a dose of medicine that can be swallowed whole, or the container itself.
2. A fruit containing seeds that it releases by splitting open when it is dry and mature.
3. A sac containing the spores of a moss or a liverwort.
4. In microbiology, a gelatinous covering that surrounds some microorganisms.
5. A membrane or sac enclosing an organ or body part.
6. A layer of white fibers in the fore brain.
7. A sealed cockpit in an aircraft that can be ejected in an emergency; known as an ejectable cockpit.
8. A very brief summary or expressed in an extremely brief or highly condensed way.
9. A protective seal; such as, the metal, plastic, or wax covering that protects the cork of a wine bottle.
10. Etymology: from Latan capsula, "small boat or chest"; indicating smallness of capsa, "box, case, chest"; from Latin capere, "to take hold".
2. A fruit containing seeds that it releases by splitting open when it is dry and mature.
3. A sac containing the spores of a moss or a liverwort.
4. In microbiology, a gelatinous covering that surrounds some microorganisms.
5. A membrane or sac enclosing an organ or body part.
6. A layer of white fibers in the fore brain.
7. A sealed cockpit in an aircraft that can be ejected in an emergency; known as an ejectable cockpit.
8. A very brief summary or expressed in an extremely brief or highly condensed way.
9. A protective seal; such as, the metal, plastic, or wax covering that protects the cork of a wine bottle.
10. Etymology: from Latan capsula, "small boat or chest"; indicating smallness of capsa, "box, case, chest"; from Latin capere, "to take hold".
capsule (adjective), more capsule, most capsule
1. A reference to something that is significantly condensed or very brief: Tom's daughter gave him a capsule description of her trip.
2. Descriptive of a very small or compact item or situation: The tourists were given a very short, concise and capsule version of how to find their way to the harbor.

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2. Descriptive of a very small or compact item or situation: The tourists were given a very short, concise and capsule version of how to find their way to the harbor.
Janet put her pills into a very small and capsule container to fit into her purse.