cav-, cavo-, cava-, cavi-, cavern-

(Latin: hollow, a hollow place; chasm; prison)

Jailer, the keeper of a jail or prison.
Made hollow; bent round or in.
The act of making hollow; also, a hollow; an exvation; a depression.
Between the cavernous sinuses; as, the intercavernous sinuses connecting the cavernous sinuses at the base of the brain.
1. Within an organ or body cavity.
2. Situated or occurring within a body cavity; especially, relating to, or being treatment (as of cancer) characterized by the insertion of radioactive substances in a cavity.
1. A secure place for keeping people found guilty of minor crimes or awaiting legal judgment.
2. A place for the confinement of people in lawful detention, especially those awaiting trial under local jurisdiction; detention in a jail.
3. Etymology: From about 1275, gayhol, from Old Normandy French gaiole and Old French jaole, both meaning "a cage, a prison"; from Middle Latin gabiola, from Late Latin caveola, diminutive of Latin cavea, "cage".

Both forms were carried into Middle English; now pronounced "jail"; regardless of how it is spelled. Norman-derived gaol (preferred in Britain) is "primarily a result of statutory and official tradition".

A supervisor or employee who is in charge of prisoners in a jail.
Having many holes or cavities.
Around the superior or inferior vena cava.
planoconcave lens
1. Flat on one side and concave on the other side, usually referring to a lens of that shape.
2. Pertaining to or noting a lens that is plane on one side and concave on the other side.
saxicava, saxicavid
Any species of marine bivalve shells of the genus Saxicava.

Some of the species are noted for their power of boring holes in limestone and similar rocks.

Boring, or hollowing out, rocks; said of certain mollusks which live in holes which they burrow in rocks.
The use of cavitation effects to create a large bubble of gas inside a liquid, allowing an object to travel at great speed through the liquid by being wholly enveloped by the bubble.

The cavity (the bubble) reduces the drag on the object and this makes supercavitation an advantageous technology

Related "cave, cavern" word sources: speleo-; spelunc-, spelunk-; stalac-, stalag-; troglo--.