hermetic seal
(s) (noun), hermetic seals
A device that is used to close something so it can not be penetrated by air or fluids: The engineer put a hermetic seal on the container so no air could get into it.
(s) (noun), Hermeticas
A category of popular "Late Antique" literature said to contain secret wisdom, and generally attributed to "Hermes Trismegistus", "Thrice-great Hermes":
Hermeticas consist of collections of several Greek texts from the second and third centuries which were survivors from other extensive works of literature and that were compiled into a "Corpus Hermeticum" by Italian scholars during the Renaissance.
Additional Hermeticas existed in Syriac, Arabic, Armenian, Coptic, and other languages.
(adjective), more hermetical, most hermetical
1. Made perfectly close or airtight by fusion, so that no gas or spirit can enter or escape: The chemist, Mr. Black, developed an hermetical seal for his chemical studies.
2. Of or pertaining to the system which explains the causes of diseases and the operations of medicine on the principles of a philosophy that seals against exposure to air or fluids: The hermetical research was used as a remedy, of an alkali, and an acid; as in, hermetical medicine.
3. Of, pertaining to, or taught by, Hermes Trismegistus: Historical hermetical philosophy is described as being alchemical or chemical in content.
(adverb), more hermetically, most hermetically
A container or space which is so tightly closed that no air can leave it or go into it: When Sally and Sam went shopping, they purchased some
hermetically sealed bags of food.
Mark purchased the hermetically sealed container which wouldn't allow any air or fluid to enter it when closed.
Hermeticism, hermeticism; Hermetism
(s) (noun), hermeticisms
1. A modernist poetic movement that originated in Italy in the early 20th century: Hermeticisms were characterized by unorthodox structures, illogical sequences, and highly subjective languages.
2. The occult sciences; especially, alchemy: Some hermetisms contain ideas and beliefs that were widely held in the early Roman empire on astrology, alchemy, and magic.
Messenger of the gods: Hermes, Mercury
Greek: Hermes (god)

Latin: Mercury (god)
Messenger of the gods, god of commerce (trade) and thieves; also, the god of science, eloquence, cleverness, travel, and thievery.
Symbols: Winged cap, winged sandals, and a caduceus (a winged staff with two serpents twined around it, said to suggest intercourse) which some say should not be used to represent medicine or medical organizations.
Asclepius (god)

Aesculapius (god)
The Aesculapius staff is considered to be the appropriate symbol of medicine, not the Mercury caduceus. The Hermes or Mercury symbol is incorrectly used by most U.S. medical organizations.
(s) (noun), pseudohermaphrodites
Someone who has external genitalia of one sex and internal sex organs of the other sex: A pseudohermaphrodite is not a true hermaphrodite because there is no ambiguity in the sex of the external genitalia and hence no question about the gender of the individual at birth.
(adjective), more pseudohermaphroditic, most pseudohermaphroditic
A reference to those who have internal reproductive organs of one gender and external sexual characteristics of the other gender: Pseudohermaphroditic conditions are not those of a steadfast hermaphrodite because there is no difficulty in perceiving whether the external genitalia are female or male and so the sex of the person at birth is completely apparent.
(s) (noun) (no plural form)
A condition in which an individual has the internal reproductive organs of one gender but the external genitalia of the other: Female
pseudohermaphroditism is a form in which the affected individual is a genetic and gonadal female with partial masculinization.
Male pseudohermaphroditism is a type in which the person concerned is a genetic and gonadal male; however, with incomplete masculinization.
(adjective), more unhermetic, most unhermetic
A reference to a container which is not sealed and so air and other fluids can enter it: Amy found that there were some unhermetic bags and containers in her food store.