Latin Proverbs, Mottoes, Phrases, and Words: Group V

(classical-language maxims, slogans, adages, proverbs, and words of wisdom that can still capture our modern imagination)

Expressions of general truths: Latin to English maxims, proverbs, and mottoes

All entries are from Latin unless otherwise indicated.


This term is used to indicate a left-hand page of a book, the full Latin phrase being verso folio; literally, "the page being turned".

versus; vs.
Vestra causa tota nostra est.
Your cause is totally (completely) ours.

Also, "We support your cause completely." Motto of The American Classical League, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, USA.

via (s) (noun), viae (pl)
Routes or Roman roads.
Via amicabili.
In a friendly way.
Via Appia.
The Appian Way.

It goes from Rome to Brindisi (ancient name Brundisium).

Via crucis. (Latin)
Translation: "The way of the Cross."

The Stations of the Cross, a devotion performed in succession in front of each of fourteen representations of episodes in the Passion of Christ.

Via crucis, via lucis. (Latin)
Translation: "The way of the Cross is the way to the light."
via dolorosa (vee" uh doh" luh ROH suh; vigh" uh doh" luh ROH suh) (proper noun)
1. The road of pain, sadness, or sorrow: The Via Dolorosa was the road that Jesus followed on the way to His crucifixion, therefore a succession of painful experiences one may go through for the benefit of others.
2. A distressing or painful journey or process: The severe winter made traveling and living via dolorosa for many people.
3. A difficult course or experience: The lexicographer was proceeding via dolorosa in his efforts to improve and to revolutionize the contents of his on-line dictionary for the users of the world.

4. Etymology: from Latin via dolorosa; literally, "painful path" or "painful way"; Latin via, "road" + dolorosa, "sorrowful".
Via Lactea.
The Milky Way.
Via media.
The middle way.

The moderate course of action between two extremes.

The name is given, in particular, to the High Anglican doctrine of the Caroline divines, revived by the Tractarians (1833-43), and thought to be at once the middle and true course between pure Protestantism and "the errors of Rome" (The Roman Cathkolic Church).

Via militaris (s) (noun), Viae militares (pl)
An ancient Roman road which had large blocks of stones with two lanes: "The Via militaris was constructed in order to provide more efficient means for the overland movement of Roman armies, officials, and civilians."
Via trita est tutissima. (Latin proverb)
Translation: "The beaten path is the safest path."
Via trita, via tuta. (Latin proverb)
Translation: "The beaten path, the safe path."
Via veritas et vita.
The way, the truth, and the life.

Motto of Felician College, Chicago, Illinois, USA.

Pointing to a page about a kleptomaniac Units of mottoes and proverbs listed by groups: A to X.