Latin Proverbs, Mottoes, Phrases, and Words: Group C

(classical-language maxims, slogans, adages, proverbs, and words of wisdom that can still capture our modern imagination)

Expressions of general truths: Latin to English maxims, proverbs, and mottoes

Word entries are from Latin unless otherwise indicated.

Culpam poena premit comes.
Punishment presses hard upon the heels of crime.

Horace was warning anyone contemplating the commission of a crime that it is very possible that he/she will be punished!

Cum dubia in certis versetur vita pericli pro lucro tibi pone diem quicumque sequetur.
Since our frail life through dangers sure must run, count every day that comes as something won.

Cato (c. 234-149 B.C.), called "the Censor" or "the Elder", to distinguish him from the later Catos, was consul in 195 B.C., and censor in 184. In the latter office he tried to reform Roman morals, sparing no one and banning foreign habits and customs.

cum laude
With praise.

A reference to a good examination grade or an earned degree from an educational institution.

Cum omnibus pacem, adversus vitia bellum.
Peace to all but battle to the vicious.

Motto of Otto II (973-983), who was already crowned and anointed emperor in Rome in 967 during his father's reign. After having successfully repelled the attacking Danes and warding off an attempt by the West Franks to seize Lorraine, his campaign in Southern Italy for his wife's hereditary claims ended in defeat. After a splendid assembly at Verona, he suddenly died at the age of 28 and is buried in St. Peter's, in Rome.

Cum tacent, clamant.
When they are silent, they shout [cry out].

This statement was made by Cicero and means that "silence is an admission of guilt". Despite the tradition of Western justice that a person accused of a crime is to required to give evidence (or testimony) against him/herself, there is still that view that silence is an admission of guilt.

curriculum vitae, cv. (s) (noun), curricula vitae (pl)
1. A summary of one's education, professional history, and job qualifications; usually, for a prospective employer: Dr. Jones recommended that his students have their curricula vitae prepared well in advance of applying for their desired occupation.

Curriculum vitae is also called vita or vitae; a brief biographical résumé of a person's career and training, which is usually prepared by someone who is applying for a job or a professional career.

2. Etymology: from Latin, curriculum vitae, "the race of life"; from curriculum, "course" + vitae; from vita, "life".
Currus bovem trahit. (Latin proverb)
Translation: "The wagon drags the ox."

It is a mistake to deal with minor considerations before getting down to the central issue confronting anyone; as we are warned: "Don't put the cart before the horse (ox)." When planning an activity, we must keep first things first.

Pointing to a page about a kleptomaniac Units of mottoes and proverbs listed by groups: A to X.