podo-, pod-, -poda, -pod, -pode, -podium, -podia, -podial, -podous, -pody

(Greek: foot, feet)

podagric, podagrous
A reference to gout; a sufferer from gout.
Belonging to feet, or foot-like organs.
podalgia (s) (noun) (no pl)
Pain in the foot: Dr. Smart told the elderly Mr. Thompson that his podalgia came from gout or from rheumatism, and that he had to do more examinations to find the exact reason.
A man is suffering greatly because of the pain in this foot.
A doctor checks the podalgic condition of his patient with poditis.

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Relating to the foot.
Inflammation of any of the tarsal or metatarsal joints of the foot.
Swelling of the feet.
podiatrist, podologist
1. Someone who practices podiatry (diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the feet), a chiropodist.
2. A specialist in podiatry; formerly called chiropodist.
podiatry (s) (noun), (no plural)
1. The branch of medicine that deals with the examination, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases and malfunctions of the feet and their related symptoms: Podiatry is concerned with many different types of foot problems, including walking disorders in children, ankle injuries among adolescents, fractures among athletes, and the care of foot ulcers, toenails, and infections among people who have diabetes.
2. Etymology: from Greek pous, pod-, "foot" + -iatros, "physician."
The treatment of foot disorders.
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An inflammatory disorder of the foot (or feet).
podium (s), podia (pl)
A raised platform or dais at the front of a hall or stage; specifically, that which is occupied by the conductor of an orchestra or speaker.
A footstalk bearing the fruit of a plant.
Bearing a head of flowers on a long footstalk.
A general fatigue resulting from tired feet.
That portion of the skin that lies under the hoof of animals and which secretes the horny structure of the hoof.

Related "foot, feet" units: melo-; ped-; planta-; -pus.