Special Contents of Interest
(units that should be seen because of their important content, illustrations, quizzes, and links to any additional related information)
In addition to the following links, there are other words and units available at this Get Words site!
Believe it or not, but there are many words and subjects at the Get Words site which are not present in this Word Info site.

This link presents a special list of self-scoring quizzes based on Latin and Greek elements as another method for improving vocabulary skills.
Here is another tool to use for finding English words in this lexicon
The Google search tool below is another convenient way to find English words and their family units which are located in this Word Info site in greater detail:
Here is a list of ablution words with a link to Ablutions or Bathing, Historical Perspectives. It's a topic and trend that has not always been popular!
A unit about hearing or listening words also includes two self-scoring quizzes to challenge your knowledge.
This unit includes several meanings; such as, height, points, and extremity words with one self-scoring quiz.
These two sections present information about Aesculepius, Asclepius with illustrations, Part 1; and Asculapius, Asklepios, Part 2. The images make it easier to appreciate and understand the origins and struggles of medicine and those ancient influences on modern medical images.
"Feeling, sensation," and "perception" words, as a unit, also include five self-scoring quizzes to challenge your knowledge of these current 165 useful words.
A love-feast. The early Christians held a love feast in conjunction with the Lord's Supper when the rich provided food for the poor. Eventually they became a scandal and were condemned by the Council of Carthage in A.D. 397.
Today it may be considered a feast or gathering characterized by friendliness and a good feeling for each other. For some people, it also represents God's love and is not considered to be on the same level as love between human beings.
This "love" unit about agape words goes beyond the well-known "Christian love" concept.
A "leading" unit about agogic words that includes an important set of 94 examples.
The subject of alcohol is well-known, but not the origin of alcohol which is also linked to this historical Alcohol Isn’t What It Used To Be. Where alcohol came from should be of interest to everyone!
These "painful words" are significant as a unit because it includes 204 words used widely in medicine; as well as, in general applications, and there are also three self-scoring quizzes.
Here are "man words" that are significant as a unit because of its medical and biological applications; as well as, in general references; and there are also two self-scoring quizzes and an image that helps to clarify what an "android" is.
This vessel or container element is used in medicine and biological sciences as angio, includes 228 applicable words, and is also linked to the following angioplasty pages which provide a greater grasp of the medical usages of this group:
These "mankind, human words" are significant as a unit for a better understanding of the natural, social, and historical references to human beings.
Anthropologists strive to understand human nature and mankinds' place in nature; therefore, as a highly diverse discipline, anthropology is concerned with the sociocultural as well as the biological side of humanness.
The arena and areni- element is often heard but few know its origins; however, this list and the two arena parts will give you perspectives that will clarify how the word became a part of English:
Several terms and applications are available at this auto-, aut- unit. There are at least 300 words with definitions that provide a greater understanding of this important subject matter.
Many words are spoken and written about autism and it is no doubt easier to understand the subject when you examine the unit list and the following pages:
You may see information about Bacchus, the drunken reveler, on this page.