(From Latin: "to, toward, a direction toward, an addition to, near, at"; and changes to: "ac-, af-, ag-, al-, an-, ap-, aq-, ar-, as-, at-" and ad- is also combined with certain words that begin with the letters c, f, g, l, n, p, q, r, s, and t.)
The Latin element ad carries the idea of "in the direction of" and combines with many Latin words and roots to make common English words.
2. To move, to leave: Having finished dinner, Ted's family adjourned to the living room.
3. To suspend the business of a court, a legislature, or a committee temporarily or indefinitely: The judge adjourned the trial until the following morning.
3. Etymology: originally, "appoint a day for"; then it came to be known "for postponing, deferring, or suspending". It originated from the Old French phrase à jorn nommé, "to an appointed day"; from which the the Old French verb ajourner derived.
The word jour came from late Latin diurnum, a noun that was formed from the adjective diurnus, "daily"; which was based on the noun dies, "day".
2. To determine or to decide by a judicial or legal procedure: Sam was convicted in court and adjudged guilty.
2. To make an official judgement about a problem or a dispute in a law case: The two families were constantly arguing about the fence along their property lines causing them to go to court. The judge adjudicated the conflict and ordered the fence to be taken down.
3. Etymology: from Latin ad-, "to" + judicare, "to judge".
The internet can be used as an adjunct to textbook and classroom learning.
2. A person associated with someone in a subordinate or auxiliary capacity: Harvey was serving as an adjunct teacher in the high school until a fully qualified teacher arrived.3. A phrase or word which provides additional information about the meaning of a verb in a sentence that, while it is not essential to the structure of the sentence, it increases its meaning by adding time, place, manner, etc.: The phrase "for more than thirty minutes" is an adjunct, as in "Tami and Shane had to wait for more than thirty minutes before the bus finally arrived."
Anthony's abjuration to the nation's government was that he swore to leave the country and to never return.
2. A denial, disavowal, or renunciation under oath: In common ecclesiastical language abjuration is restricted to the renunciation of heresy made by the penitent heretic on the occasion of his reconciliation with the Catholic Church.The many adjurations of the alleged witch convinced the clergy that she was sincere and penitent.
3. An earnest appeal, entreaty, or pleading to someone to do something: Bernhardt made an adjuration to his boss for an increase in salary.
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2. Containing a serious charge or command: The judge issued an adjuratory order requiring the young man to clean up the park everyday for 6 months.
Professor Karl decided to adjure his students to prepare themselves for the final examination.
Judge Herman did indeed adjure the witness, Erik Rolland, that he had better answer all questions truthfully during the trial or he would be held legally accountable.
2. To appeal to earnestly: Jim's mother adjured him to finish his term paper before the end of the weekend.Holly's doctor adjures her to go to the special therapist, or if she doesn't, she will suffer greater pain in her back.
3. To entreat or to request earnestly: The pianist was adjuring the members of the orchestra to come to one more rehearsal before the evening of the performance.4. Etymology: from Latin adjurare, "to confirm by an oath", "to swear to"; from ad-, "to" + jurare, "to swear".

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2. A person who entreats or requests earnestly or solemnly: As an adjurer, Mr. Hathaway strongly urged the editor to stop including silly articles in the newspaper.
2. To preside over the dispensation of something: The judge made every effort to administer justice in the fairest possible manner.
3. To give someone a measured amount of a medication, often by physically introducing it into the body: Before the little operation could take place, pain killers were administered into the patient's arm.
4. To carry out a set ritual or religious ceremony on behalf of a person or a group of people: After the baptism took place, the priest had the duty to administer the sacraments.
5. To oversee the taking of an oath by someone: In court, the judge had to administer and make sure that the witness swore properly, with his hand on the Bible.
6. To manage the distribution of, or dispose of, a deceased person's property: In accordance with the law, an executor, or trustee, is in charge of the trust estate and must administer it properly.
7. Etymology: "to manage as a steward" from Old French aministrer, from Latin administrare, "to serve, to carry out, to manage"; from ad-, "to" + ministrare, "to serve".
The minister part of administer came from about 1300 meaning, "someone who acts by the authority of another person" from Old French ministre "servant" which came from Latin minister, ministri, "servant, priest's assistant" (in Middle Latin, "priest"), from minus, minor, "less".
The meaning of "priest" was established in English from the early 14th century. The political sense of "a high officer of the state" is determined from the 1620s from the concept of "service to the crown". The verb is from about 1300, originally meaning "to serve (food or drinks)".
2. To have a high opinion of; to value or to honor: Wayne's neighbors are still admiring the way he was able to get all of his family members safely out of his house after it caught on fire.
3. To respect and approve of a person, or his or her behavior: Jan has always admired Professor Grimes for her intellectual skills and her professionalism as a psychologist.
4. To find someone or something attractive and pleasant to look at: Zoe's original paintings were admired by all of the viewers who went to the art exhibition.
2. The right, permission, or the price required or paid to enter or to access some activity: Because he was 21 Jessy was allowed admission to go see the movie that was reserved for adults only.
Mary said the admission to the musical cost more than she could afford to pay, so she was not allowed admission to attend the performance.
3. A confession, as of having committed a crime: James was completely silent and nodded his head when asked if he had stolen the money which was naturally interpreted as an admission of his guilt.When the suspect’s admission of the truth about his involvement in what really took place at the bank robbery, the police were able to determine what had really happened there.
4. A voluntary acknowledgment of truth: Mark's spontaneous and unrequested admission to exceeding the speed limit resulted in a warning instead of a ticket.2. To allow someone to enter; to grant entry to: James was told that he could not be admitted into the club because non-members were not permitted to be there.
3. To serve as a means of entrance: The ticket will admit one adult to see the show.
4. To give access or entrance to: The French doors admit into the garden, but not into the garage!
5. To afford a possibility: So far this problem admits no solution, so it should be discussed further.
6. To declare to be true, or to acknowledge the existence or reality of the truth: Henry admitted he made some serious errors in his report.
7. To allow into a group or community: Karl was told that the members in the organization have to vote on whether or not to admit a new associate into their secret society.
8. To have room for; to hold without crowding: The theater admits just 500 people, but not 600 people!
2. Permission to enter or the right of entry: Melvin and Dawn felt that they should also have the privilege of being allowed admittance to the business meeting.
It is often maintained that admittance should be used only to refer to achieving physical access to a place as the following example shows: Shirley was denied admittance to the restaurant because all of the tables were taken and so there was no place for her to be seated.
Joe's admittance to the club was denied because he was not a member.
It was easy for Karen to secure admittance to the public library, however she soon found several doors marked: "Admittance for staff members only."