(From Latin: "to, toward, a direction toward, an addition to, near, at"; and changes to: "ac-, af-, ag-, al-, an-, ap-, aq-, ar-, as-, at-" and ad- is also combined with certain words that begin with the letters c, f, g, l, n, p, q, r, s, and t.)
The Latin element ad carries the idea of "in the direction of" and combines with many Latin words and roots to make common English words.
After the manner of: Mary tried very hard to keep her entries ad modem to the rest of the pages she had already prepared so as to have all of them completed in the same way.
When Jane sent her friend a birthday card, she wrote down ad multos annos, meaning "many happy returns"!
Ad nauseam suggests that certain actions, speeches, discussions, etc. have reached a point at which they are almost more than anyone can bear!
Henry bragged ad nauseam about the one home run he hit while playing baseball.

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Before one's eyes: Grace couldn't believe her daughter's fantastic report card until she confirmed it ad oculus!
After Ginny got her prescription for the medicine she was to take, the enclosed information mentioned that it should relieve ad partes dolentes during the next few days.
To the ancestors or to the dead: To go ad patres is to die or to send someone ad patres is to kill that person.
These words are traditionally used to open papal bulls.
Ad populum is intended for the ears of all the people, not just a limited or special few.
The new animal programs on television were meant to be ad populum, for the very young and the very old.
Like the English proverb, "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush." It is considered more important to hold on to what one has than to risk everything in speculation.
Opposite of a quo (from which).
Ad quem indicates "to which'" for the calculation of time or distance.A legal phrase used for assessing damages relating to privately owned land that is taken for public use. The name of a writ, formerly issued from the English chancery, commanded the sheriff to make an inquiry "to what damage" a specified act, if done, would tend.
This writ is of ancient origin and could be issued as a writ of right when a landowner is dissatisfied with the assessment of damages as a result of a condemnation commission.
Ad referendum literally translates as "for referring" and is a diplomatic term: Diplomats who accept a proposal for their governments ad referendum indicate by their actions that final acceptance is dependent on the approval of the diplomats' governments.
The legal phrase ad referendum is also used for assessing damages relating to privately owned land that is taken for public use.
This writ of ad referendum is of ancient origin, and could have been issued as a writ of right when a landowner was dissatisfied with the assessment of damages to his property as a result of a condemnation commission.
Translation: "to the matter at hand; to the point; relevant"
Ad rem can be presented in various ways. This phrase contrasts with "ad hominem" in that debaters who argue ad rem address the matter at hand in order to score points in the debate. Debaters who argue "ad hominem" personally attack their opponents to score points.
Motto of the University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Alaska, USA.