
(From Latin: "to, toward, a direction toward, an addition to, near, at"; and changes to: "ac-, af-, ag-, al-, an-, ap-, aq-, ar-, as-, at-" and ad- is also combined with certain words that begin with the letters c, f, g, l, n, p, q, r, s, and t.)

The Latin element ad carries the idea of "in the direction of" and combines with many Latin words and roots to make common English words.

advise (ad VIGHZ) (verb), advises; advised; advising
1. To offer an opinion or a course of action; to counsel; to notify, to recommend: Sidney advised Jon to reconsider his decision to sell his car.
2. To inform, tell, notify, make known, communicate: Mary and Richard have been advised that the roads were too icy for the trip that they were planning to take.
3. To give an opinion or suggestion to someone about what should be done: Shirley advises the President on foreign affairs.

Howard's lawyer is advising him about whether he should buy the house under such financial conditions.

4. Etymology: from Old French avis, "opinion"; which came from Old French ce m'est à vis, "it seems to me"; or from Vulgar (common) Latin mi est visum, "in my view"; and originally from Latin ad-, "to" + visum; past participle of videre, "to see".
advisedly (adverb), more advisedly, most advisedly
Relating to how something is done with careful consideration and thoughtfulness: Jeremiah was advisedly cautioned by his therapist to take time off from work so he could recover from his back injury.
advocacy (s) (noun), advocacies (pl)
1. An active verbal support for a cause or political position, etc.: At the political convention, there was a lot of advocacy, or backing up, for the experienced and wise candidate for the office of U.S. President.
2. The act of speaking or writing, in support of something, such as an idea, a cause, or a policy, and giving active support: Jane’s advocacy for the local animal rights group helped convince the public to donate more money for saving the lives of stray animals.
advocate (AD vuh kayt") (verb), advocates; advocated; advocating
To urge, to suggest, or to exhort in support of someone or something: In court during the weekend, Karl's friend advocated for a former student who had been sleeping in the park.
To support or to publicly recommend.
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To speak in favor of a cause.
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To publicly agree with a statement.
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To strongly speak and recommend an issue or cause.
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affix (verb), affixes; affixed; affixing
1. To fasten, join, or attach (usually followed by "to"): Mary affixed postage stamps to the envelopes that she was going to mail to her friends.
2. To put or to add on; to append: The salesman wanted Alice to affix her signature to the contract for the loan.

In grammar, a part of a word element that is affixed, such as a prefix, infix, or suffix, is added to a word element in order to form a different meaning. For example, the suffix, "-ed" added to "want" forms "wanted", or the prefix, "im-" connected to "possible" becomes "impossible".

When a poster is affixed to the wall, it is secured or tacked to the wall.

agglutinate (verb), agglutinates; agglutinated; agglutinating
To cause to adhere or to stick to; to unite: Barbara wanted the glue to agglutinate the two pieces of broken vase together.

Natasha wanted to know if she was Rh positive, so the doctor told her that it would be so if the antiserum agglutinated in her red blood cells.

aggression (uh GRESH uhn) (s) (noun), aggressions (pl)
1. A violent action that is hostile and usually unprovoked: So many children in school have shown aggression and anger on the playground by hitting back when pushed accidentally by other children during a game.
2. Deliberately unfriendly behavior: Sometimes aggression is shown by some football fans when their team loses a game and they verbally attack the supporters of the winning side.
3. The act of initiating hostilities: Because Timmy wasn’t happy at home, he turned his aggression towards the other kids at school by pushing them, taking their ball away from them during a game, or calling them bad names.
4. A disposition to behave contentiously or offensively: James had a very unhappy childhood while he was living in a bad environment and so he expressed feelings of aggression when dealing with other people.
5. A feeling of hostility that arouses thoughts of attack: A sensation of aggression developed in Jerry when he was falsely accused of stealing money from a woman's purse at a restaurant.
6. Etymology: from ad-, "to" + gradi, gressus, "to step"; from gradus, "a step".
append (verb), appends; appended; appending
1. To add extra information to something as a supplement, especially to a document: In addition to the important letter she was going to send, she appended a note to it explaining the delay.
2. To add an authorized signature to a bill, or an official agreement, as a final part of the ratification or agreement process: The lawyer asked the elderly lady to append her handwritten name to the will.
3. To attach, or to fasten, a thing to something else: Jane tried to append the jewel to her necklace.
4. Etymology: "to hang on; to attach, as a pendant", from Latin appendere "to cause to hang (from something), to weigh"; from ad-, "to" + pendere, "to hang".
appendix (s) (noun), appendices: appendixes (pl)
A small tube-shaped sack connected to the large intestine (the ascending colon): The appendix was previously called the "vermiform appendix" because it was thought to be "wormlike".
Arbitrio suo. (Latin phrase)
Translation: "On his or her own authority."
aspect (s) (noun), aspects (pl)
1. A facet, phase, or part of a whole: People should consider the various aspects of the economic situation before making any significant investments.
2. The view of something to the mind or the eyes: Suddenly the stone had a greenish aspect in the florescent light.
3. The way a person, place, or something appears: The old house took on a dark and lonely aspect or image.
4. Etymology: from Middle English, "indicating the action or the way of looking at or seeing something"; from Latin aspectus and aspicere, "to look at"; from ad-, "to" + specere, "to look".
A look or appearance like something.
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assign (verb), assigns; assigned; assigning
1. To give someone a job to do or to give someone a task to complete: Mrs. Smart, the teacher, assigned some homework for the students to do after returning home from school.
2. To send someone to work in a particular place or with a particular group of people: The firefighters were assigned to be at the industrial section of the city.
3. To determine that someone or something has a particular quality, name, use, or category: He was assigned a high employee rating based on his high attendance on the job.
4. To put a soldier, military unit, or military material under a particular command or duty: The army garrison and equipment was allocated, or assigned, from the temporary location to another long-term and secure place.
attend (verb), attends; attended; attending
1. To take care or charge of; to look after: Jeanette attended and took care of Carol at home after Carol's major surgery on her heart.
2. To wait on; minister; to serve: Mrs. Jackson usually attends the elderly lady who is sitting in her wheelchair beside the window.
3. To accompany; to go with: The students' music recital was attended by a standing ovation by all the parents.
4. Etymology: "to direct one's mind or energies"; from Old French atendre, "to expect, to wait for, to pay attention"; from Latin attendere, "to give heed to"; literally, "to stretch toward"; from ad-, "to" + tendere, "to stretch".
attractable (adjective), more attractable; most attractable
1. Regarding something which can pull or adhere by physical power: Some screwdrivers are quite attractable in that the they possess a magnetic quality of having steel nails cling to them.

The magnetic pins that Lynn bought cling beautifully to the attractable metal door frames!
2. Referring to something or someone that has the power to appeal, allure, or to entice: Valerie's charm and humor were quite attractable to those who knew her and everybody always had a good time when they got together.