(Latin: good)
bonne femme
1. Also à la bonne femme. In the manner of a good housewife; applied especially postpositively to food prepared in various ways.
2. Etymology: from French, bonne, "good" and femme, "wife".
2. Etymology: from French, bonne, "good" and femme, "wife".
bonus (s), bonuses (pl)
1. Something given or paid in addition to what is usual or expected.
2. A sum of money or an equivalent given to an employee in addition to the employee's usual compensation.
3. An extra dividend or premium paid to a purchaser, holder, promoter, or vendor of a stock or insurance policy.
4. A special payment by a government to a person.
5. A premium paid for signing a contract or taking out a loan.
6. Etymology: from Latin bonus, "good".
2. A sum of money or an equivalent given to an employee in addition to the employee's usual compensation.
3. An extra dividend or premium paid to a purchaser, holder, promoter, or vendor of a stock or insurance policy.
4. A special payment by a government to a person.
5. A premium paid for signing a contract or taking out a loan.
6. Etymology: from Latin bonus, "good".
boon (adjective) (not comparable)
Characteristic of a person who is convivial, pleasant, or has jolly relationships with others: Sara had a boon comrade named Sam who was a blessing for everyone he was associated with.

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Ecce quam bonum.
Behold how good.
Motto of The University of the South, Sewanee, Tennessee, USA.
Esto bonus et pius ne sit leo te magis impavidus.
Be good and pious, let not the lion be more undaunted than thou.
Et bonum quo antiquius, eo melius.
The more ancient a good, the better.
ex aequo et bono
According to what is just and good; equitably.
This phrase refers to what a person of principle will do.
In bono vince.
Conquer by good.
Motto of St. Lawrence College, Ramsgate, U.K.
in nullius bonis
Among the goods or property of no person.
Belonging to no person; such as, a treasure-trove and wreck were anciently considered.
1. One of several kinds of large cooking plums: The magnum bonum plum is a unique type of fruit and magnum bonum can also be applied to health foods and a cultivated variety of potato, for example.
2. Etymology: magnum bonum "a great good", "a large good thing"; from classical Latin magnum, neuter singular of magnus, "great" plus bonum, neuter singular of bonus, "good" after classical Latin summum bonum, "highest good", the "chief or supreme good".
2. Etymology: magnum bonum "a great good", "a large good thing"; from classical Latin magnum, neuter singular of magnus, "great" plus bonum, neuter singular of bonus, "good" after classical Latin summum bonum, "highest good", the "chief or supreme good".