-acy, -cy
(Latin: suffix; state, quality, condition, or act of; forming nouns)
A form of government by a particular racial element of a country; race rule: Ethnocracies consist of particular ethnic groups that have disproportionate amounts of government power.
1. The commercial development of naturally occurring biological materials (ethnobiological and ethnozoological), such as plant substances or genetic cell lines, by a technologically advanced country, or commercial organization, without fair compensation to the peoples or nations in whose territory the materials were originally discovered: Ethnothievery was explained in John's book in a very short and simple way as taking away valuable information or things and using them for gaining profit without asking for permission.
2. Bioprospecting: One form of ethnopiracy includes the collecting and testing of biological samples (plants, animals, micro-organisms) and the collecting of indigenous knowledge to help in discovering and exploiting genetic or biochemical resources with the primarily economic purposes of producing new drugs, crops, industrial products, etc.
2. Bioprospecting: One form of ethnopiracy includes the collecting and testing of biological samples (plants, animals, micro-organisms) and the collecting of indigenous knowledge to help in discovering and exploiting genetic or biochemical resources with the primarily economic purposes of producing new drugs, crops, industrial products, etc.
1. That which is not realistic or has defects or errors in reasoning: There are many popular fallacies about medicine.
2. A statement or an argument that is not in accordance with facts, realities, or actualities: The fallacies presented by the two politicians were exposed by reporters on TV, the radio, and in newspapers.
3. Incorrectness of reasoning or belief; erroneousness: Josh's fallacy was that his company would have a big profit, however it actually resulted in a big financial loss.
2. A statement or an argument that is not in accordance with facts, realities, or actualities: The fallacies presented by the two politicians were exposed by reporters on TV, the radio, and in newspapers.
3. Incorrectness of reasoning or belief; erroneousness: Josh's fallacy was that his company would have a big profit, however it actually resulted in a big financial loss.
Female nature: Grace's feminacy, or femininity, and good looks were noticed by all of those present at the students' prom.
A system of government in which senior citizens are chosen as rulers: A gerontocracy consists of a governing group of elders or older people, apparently because they are more experienced.

Samuel is the ruling leader of his gerontocracy.
gerontocratic (adjective), more gerontocratic, most gerontocratic
Concerning the system of government consisting of elderly men: In the dictionary regarding different kinds of governements, Christina came across a gerontocratic one that was seemingly run by old men who had more experience in life, were wise, and perhaps possessed more knowledge of the world.
A government by an old woman or old women: Alice thought that a graocracy would be a good idea because women knew a lot more about family life and its values that were the foundation of life in her country.
The ability to understand facts presented in graphical form: Jack learned the importance of graphicacy which pertained to comprehending the different symbols and diagrams on the maps in his geography class.
A government by a woman or women: Jackie thought that a gynarchy, in which women would be the ruling class, might be a great idea, and she would run for president!
A government by a woman or women: A form of gynocracy is a country in which women are legally capable of the supreme command, for example the former Queen in Great Britain.
A gynocracy is sometimes used in a depreciative sense as "petticoat rule".
A government or sovereignty of people esteemed to be holy; theocracy: A hagiocracy might be distrusted because of the ruling influence of the priesthood and its inflexible obedience to the law and a rigid hostility to irreligious traditions.
1. A government by church clergy or priests; ecclesiastical rule: Hierocracy includes the doctrine that the Pope holds secular rule as well as spiritual power.
2. A body of religious clergy that rules a place or country: Gregory was brought up by the hierocracy of the Catholic Church and kept up the strong relationships to the church officials.
2. A body of religious clergy that rules a place or country: Gregory was brought up by the hierocracy of the Catholic Church and kept up the strong relationships to the church officials.
A government that is run by idiots: Mr. Watson sometimes thought that the government in his country should be termed to be an idiocracy because the elected party often behaved like fools or morons.
1. The status of being born to unmarried parents: Thomas was aware of his illegitimacy, but since he had a great mother and friends it didn't bother him all that much.
2. Unlawfulness; the condition of being against the law: It was said in the newspaper that the illegitimacy of one country trying to seize another sovereign country was absolutely horrific and that the fighting that was going on should be stopped immediately.
2. Unlawfulness; the condition of being against the law: It was said in the newspaper that the illegitimacy of one country trying to seize another sovereign country was absolutely horrific and that the fighting that was going on should be stopped immediately.
1. A lack of the ability to read and to write: It cannot be underestimated that illiteracy is not only prevalent among the younger generation, but also found in adults who have chosen ways to hide this handicap.
June found it most difficult to find a job in shops or stores because of her illiteracy and not being able to decipher the writing on the packages she would have to place on the shelves for the customers.
2. The circumstance of not having any or enough education: Jim was told that the mistakes he made in writing or speaking were the results his illiteracy.