bili-, bil- +

(Latin: bile; which is a digestive juice secreted by the liver, stored in the gallbladder, and aids in the digestion of fats)

A reference to, or designating, an organic acid of the tartaric acid series, distinct from lithofellic acid, but, like it, obtained from certain bile products; such as, bezoar (hard mass) stones.
1. A brown degradation product of hemoglobin, present in the feces.
2. A coloring matter found in the feces, a product of the alteration of the bile pigments in the intestinal canal; identical to hydrobilirubin (body formed from bilirubin*, identical with urobilin*).

*Bilirubin is a pigment produced when the liver processes waste products. A high bilirubin level causes yellowing of the skin.

*Urobilin is also a yellow pigment identical with hydrobilirubin, abundant in the highly colored urine of fever, and also present in normal urine.

Urobilin is a constituent of the brown pigment found in feces; which is derived from bilirubin by reduction due to bacteria in the intestine.

1. A reduction product of stercobilin which occurs in the feces; it is a colorless compound which becomes brown on oxidation, probably identical with urobilinogen.
2. A chromogen formed in the intestine from the breakdown of bilirubin; yields urobilins on oxidation; some is excreted in the feces and some is resorbed and excreted in bile or urine.
A yellow pigment identical with hydrobilirubin (body formed from bilirubin), abundant in the highly colored urine of fever, and also present in normal urine.
A colorless compound formed in the intestines by the reduction of bilirubin.

Some is excreted in the feces where it is oxidized to urobilin. Some is reabsorbed and re-excreted in the bile as bilirubin; while at times, it is re-excreted in the urine, where it may be later oxidized to urobilin.