bene-, ben-, beni-
(Latin: good, well)
A suspension from a job and the remunerations or pay which come with it.
For the purpose of winning good will.
Motto of Henry I (918-936) who forced the dukes of Bavaria and Swabia to recognize his authority. He protected Saxony against the Slavs by building several fortresses and by creating a powerful cavalry which he used to defeat the invading Magyars on the Unstrut River in 933.
King Henry succeeded in annexing the key Carolingian realm of Lorraine to the east Franconian realm. He is regarded as the actual founder of the German Empire.
A motto of perseverance and steadfastness.
The principal of the school used several beneficences in his speech at the farewell dinner for the retiring teachers.
As the guests were leaving the hotel Mr. Young, the manager, expressed benedicites to each one as an expression of his gratitude for their patronage.
2. A blessing and an expression of thanks: When all of Godfrey's family got together for the Thanksgiving meal, he said a benedicite which presented his appreciation to the Lord for their health and well being.The local newspaper carried a surprising announcement that the mayor was now a benedict in that he was married for the first time while away on his holidays.
2. Etymology: from Latin benedictus, "blessed", past participle of benedicere, "to bless"; literally, "to speak well of, to praise".When Ms. Smith checked the list of students in her class at the beginning of the new semester, she noticed that both a boy named Benedict and a girl called Benedicta were enrolled.
3. Etymology: both names come from Latin; literally, "to speak well of, to praise", from bene, "well" + dicere, "to say, to tell".Jim's parents gave their benediction to him by wishing him, from their hearts, that all would go well on his trip as a professional photographer in the center of a war zone.
2. Blessing carried into practical effect; kindly favor, grace: The local spiritual leader gave a benediction for the farmers in praise of their good crops.The pastor, Mr. Anderson, gave his benediction to the couple at the end of the wedding ceremony, wishing them contentment and prosperity in their future life together.
3. A prayer of sacred blessing, normally just before a church service ends: The minister, Mr. Drexler, concluded the church meeting with a prayer of benediction.4. An expression of good things desired, something that assures well-being and goodness: At the conclusion of the meeting of the committee members, the chairperson spoke a brief benediction, wishing everyone a safe summer holiday.
2. Referring to, or in the form of, a blessing: The benedictory remarks at the funeral seemed to please those who were attending, including the family members.
3. Etymology: from Latin benedictio; from benedicere, "to bless".
Motto of Bradfield College, U.K.