a-, an-
(Greek: prefix; no, absence of, without, lack of; not)
These prefixes are normally used with elements of Greek origin, a- is used before consonants and an- is used before vowels.
It affects the meanings of hundreds of words.
There are too many words that use these prefix elements to list all of them on this site; however, there are significant examples listed in this and the other units where they exist.
Carbon, the sixth element of the periodic table of atoms, forms the basis of most biological molecules and oxygen is another atom, one of about a hundred basic elements that make up all of the objects around us.
2. The fundament building blocks for all matter: An atom is the smallest representative sample of a chemical element and it consists of a positively charged nucleus surrounded by negatively charged electrons.All of the matter on the Earth is made of atoms which are the chemical structures of our world.
New modern atomic theory is generally credited to an English meteorologist, John Dalton (1766-1844), who suggested that for each chemical element there was a corresponding species of indivisible objects called atoms.
Two or more atoms that are joined together form a molecule which is the same term that applies to any cluster of atoms which can be isolated, whether it contains two atoms or a thousand atoms.
3. A tiny particle or a very small amount of anything: After the politician's presentation, Nicola was heard to say that there was not an atom of truth in anything that he had said.4. Etymology: atom means "not cut, indivisible"; from Greek atomos, "uncut, indivisible"; from a-, "not" + tomos, "a cutting"; from temnein, "to cut".
2. Pertaining to or related to the smallest particle of an element that can exist: Here are some significant atomic terms which are related to atoms.
- Element, a chemical substance that can't be broken down; including solids, liquids, and gases.
- Atom, the smallest particle that keeps its chemical identity.
- Molecule, any collection of two or more atoms that are bound together.
- Electron, an atomic particle that has only a small fraction of the mass of protons and neutrons of the atom.
- Nucleus, the small, massive central part of an atom made from positively charged protons and electrically neutral neutrons.
- Proton, a positively charged nuclear particle consisting of individual electromagnetic waves.
- Neutron, an electrically neutral nuclear particle.
- Ion, an electrically charged atom.
2. A description of a syllable or a sound that is not accented or stressed: The syllables of the words Jim was saying did not include any atonic vowels.
Some atonicities take place because of a nervous system disorder or after an injury to the nerves: The arm muscles may have atonicity resulting from damage to the "brachial plexus" or nerve roots in the neck that go into the arms.
2. Especially designed or planned to minimize injurious effects: Dr. Hall used atraumatic sutures during the surgery.
Atrophy is commonly caused by the lack of use; such as when a limb (arm, hand, etc.) has been immobilized in a plaster cast or by inadequate cell nutrition because of poor blood circulation.
Physicians are aware that atrophy may also take place during a prolonged serious illness, when the body needs to use up the protein reserves in the muscles.

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Simon significantly atrophied during his bedridden illness.
Many elderly people have "sarcopenia", when the muscles are atrophying, because either they don't exercise at all or not adequately. People are never too old to exercise!
2. The degeneration, decline, or decrease, because of the lack of using something: Dr. Hughes, the professor, argued that freedom and independence of thought were progressively atrophying because too many people were simply ignoring their political rights.Glenda had an atypical lifestyle in that she had a wholesome diet and went to the fitness studio for at least 90 minutes each of six days every week when she wasn't traveling or didn't have other priorities to take care of.