bio-, bi-, -bia, -bial, -bian, -bion, -biont, -bius, -biosis, -bium, -biotic, -biotical
(Greek: life; living, live, alive)
Don’t confuse this element with another bi- which means "two".
The most important things in life are not things.
1. The chemistry of living organisms and of the chemical, molecular, and physical changes occurring therein; such as, biological chemistry and physiological chemistry.
2. The science dealing with the substances present in living organisms and with their relation to each other and to the life of the organism; biological or physiological chemistry.
3. The branch of biochemistry that deals with the relation of chemicals found in the soil to living organisms; the biological application of geochemistry.
2. The science dealing with the substances present in living organisms and with their relation to each other and to the life of the organism; biological or physiological chemistry.
3. The branch of biochemistry that deals with the relation of chemicals found in the soil to living organisms; the biological application of geochemistry.
Biochemistry includes the chemical reactions of living cells. It is based on the idea that all of life can be understood as chemistry. Situated between biology and chemistry, the field of biochemistry relates to all branches of chemistry and biology, ranging from genetics to physical chemistry, from medicine to agriculture, from nutrition to biotechnology.
The universe is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper.
Denoting the relationship between biologic action and chemical structure, as in food and drugs.
1. The study of the relationship between biologic action and chemical structure.
2. Macroscopic, or gross morphology, as revealed by biochemical techniques.
2. Macroscopic, or gross morphology, as revealed by biochemical techniques.
An experimental type of integrated circuit whose basic biochemical components are organic molecules.
1. That part of the earth's surface that is able to support plant and animal life.
2. The geographical environment in which certain life forms are dominant.
3. The boundary of a floral or faunal region.
4. The climatic boundary of a floral region as indicated by the vegetation in the area.
2. The geographical environment in which certain life forms are dominant.
3. The boundary of a floral or faunal region.
4. The climatic boundary of a floral region as indicated by the vegetation in the area.
Referring to the largest division or region of animal and plant environment; such as, forest, desert, grassland, etc. A smaller area is called a biotope.
A chromatographic separation processes that is applied to natural products; such as, polysaccharides (cell membrane components, antigenic markers, etc.), polynucleotides (support for genetic information for macromolecular engineering) and purification of macromolecules; for example, proteins and functional peptides.
Any natural coloring matter of plants or animals; natural pigment.
A relatively short-lived fossil flora or fauna: Representative fossil organisms or taxa that distinguish that time are called biochrons.
In geology, the study of the age of the Earth based on the relative dating of rocks and geologic events by the use of fossil evidence: Biochronology relates to the use of chemical analysis to estimate the age of biological events using biostratigraphic or paleontological methods.
A climax community of a biome that is distinguished primarily by its dominant animal members.
biocide, biocidal
1. Destructive of life; particularly pertaining to microorganisms.
2. A chemical toxic or other lethal process that kills or destroys living organisms; such as, a pesticide, herbicide, or fungicide.
2. A chemical toxic or other lethal process that kills or destroys living organisms; such as, a pesticide, herbicide, or fungicide.
bioclast (s), bioclasts (pl) (noun forms)
1. A fossil fragment or multiple fragments.
2. Skeletal fragments of marine or land organisms that are found in sedimentary rocks existing in a marine environment; especially, limestone varieties
2. Skeletal fragments of marine or land organisms that are found in sedimentary rocks existing in a marine environment; especially, limestone varieties