bio-, bi-, -bia, -bial, -bian, -bion, -biont, -bius, -biosis, -bium, -biotic, -biotical
(Greek: life; living, live, alive)
Don’t confuse this element with another bi- which means "two".
The most important things in life are not things.
Symbiosis between two organisms which are physically separated from each other.
Symbiosis refers to an organism interaction where one organism lives in intimate association with another one.
A reference to an organism living on the surface of another organism.
1. A method of determining the presence, or absence, of life in an animal organism by using a current of electricity.
2. The use of a galvanic current to determine whether a tissue is living by recording of electrical activity in a bodily tissue or organism.
3. The examination of a body by means of an electric current, to discover muscular contractions as evidence of life.
2. The use of a galvanic current to determine whether a tissue is living by recording of electrical activity in a bodily tissue or organism.
3. The examination of a body by means of an electric current, to discover muscular contractions as evidence of life.
Inhibition of, or interference with, one species or population by the action of another.
The condition in which organisms living together antagonize one another's development.
A reference to organisms that live within the substratum.
Either the condition of an organism that lives within another (usually with the connotation of parasitism) or the condition of those benthic organisms that live in the surface of bottom mud.
Living as a parasite within the host.
The science of hygienic living.
1. A symbiont that lives within the body of the host.
2. An organism which lives within the body of another organism (its host) as part of an endosymbiotic relationship.
2. An organism which lives within the body of another organism (its host) as part of an endosymbiotic relationship.
A reference to a symbiosis in which one symbiont lives within the body of another as green algae in Hydra or Convoluta.
1. Symbiosis in which one organism lives inside the body of another and both function as a single organism.
2. A symbiotic relationship between two organisms in which one of the two organisms (the endosymbiont) lives inside the body of the other one (the host).
2. A symbiotic relationship between two organisms in which one of the two organisms (the endosymbiont) lives inside the body of the other one (the host).
1. A reference to, or pertaining to, endosymbiosis.
2. That which lives within a body, or cells, of another organism; forming an endosymbiosis.
2. That which lives within a body, or cells, of another organism; forming an endosymbiosis.
The transformation of prebiotic macromolecular systems into the first living organisms (eobionts).
1. An organism that lives on the body surface of another without feeding upon its host, as in many mosses and lichens.
2. The earliest known living organisms developed from some prebiotic macromolecular precursors.
2. The earliest known living organisms developed from some prebiotic macromolecular precursors.