(s) (noun), cryobiologists
A specialist in the effects of low temperatures on biological systems: Tom wanted to become a cryobiologist after his studies in biology and learn more about the consequences of low temperatures on different forms of life.
(s) (noun) (no pl)
The study of the effects of low temperatures on living organisms or biological systems:
Cryobiology deals especially with warm-blooded animals.
Cryobiology is the science of life and its constituents below the normal living temperature, including very low temperatures (below -80 degrees Centigrade).
(s) (noun) (no pl)
In physiology, the continuance of bodily functions at low temperatures: Cryobiosis sets in when the fluid encompassing the cells of an organism has been frozen.
Organisms that are typically hidden or concealed in crevices or under stones.
1. The condition in which all external signs of metabolic activity are absent from a dormant organism.
2. Latent life; the state of an organism showing no visible signs of life.
3. The condition of an organism that must in theory have at one time existed, but that has left no fossil traces.
4. A state in which the signs of life of an organism have weakened to the point where they are barely measurable or no longer measurable.
A reference to organisms that are typically hidden or concealed in crevices or under stones.
The influence of one cell on another.
A form of energy, totally unrelated to electricity, light, heat, or sound, which is generated by living tissues; the vital principle in all living tissues. The term was first introduced in 1923 by Frederic Wood Jones, who defined it as "the influence of body cells on other body cells"; the “call of cell to cell”.
dark biology
Scientific research related to biological weapons.
The phrase "dark biology" was coined by the science writer and novelist Richard Preston in his self-described "trilogy on dark biology": The Hot Zone (1994), The Cobra Event (1997), and The Demon In the Freezer (2002).
1. The existence of distinct genetically determined forms of the same species; such as, distinct male and female forms or distinct young and mature forms.
2. Characterized by a regular alternation of parasitic and nonparasitic phases, as in the life cycle of gordian (long slender worms found in water whose larva live as parasites on arthropods) or horsehair worms (nematode worms that live as parasites in the digestive tracts of domestic animals).
The study of the relationships of organisms to their natural environments.
The conditions pertaining to a mode of life within a specific habitat.
An organism that lives on the surface of another organism to the benefit of both; such as, any of the microbes that normally live on the skin.
Symbiosis in which one symbiont lives on the outside of the body of the other.

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