bio-, bi-, -bia, -bial, -bian, -bion, -biont, -bius, -biosis, -bium, -biotic, -biotical
(Greek: life; living, live, alive)
Don’t confuse this element with another bi- which means "two".
The most important things in life are not things.
A biologically-initiated possibility of existence: A biopotential is the quiescent form of energy in biological material before it is transformed into an active state that results in the manifestations of life.
1. Any method for producing commercially useful biological material.
2. A method or operation of preparing a biological material; especially, a product of genetic engineering, for commercial use.
2. A method or operation of preparing a biological material; especially, a product of genetic engineering, for commercial use.
1. Able to produce and to sustain living organisms.>BR?
2. A description of land areas that are capable of providing natural substances that support human activities; such as, land used for growing food crops.
A reference to collectors of natural products from various countries in Africa, Asia, etc., for purposes of developing commercial applications; for example, medicinal drugs: "There are new rules for bioprospecting, or biodiversity prospecting, and natural products research; which are derived from three sources: international treaties, national laws, and professional self-regulation."
1. Examination of tissue, etc., removed from the living body; also, the removal of such tissue.
2. The process of removing tissue from living patients for diagnostic examination.
3. A specimen obtained by biopsy.
2. The process of removing tissue from living patients for diagnostic examination.
3. A specimen obtained by biopsy.
biopsychic (adjective)
Pertaining to mental phenomena in their relations to the living organism.
An interdisciplinary area of study involving psychology, biology, physiology, biochemistry, the neural sciences, and related fields: "Derrick is a university student majoring in biopsychology so he can work in the branch of psychology that deals with the biological foundations of behavior, emotions, and mental processes."
biopsychosocial (adjective)
Involving interplay of biological, psychological, and social influences: "Janine's psychiatrist was explaining that the mind and the body can't be treated as separate entities because they function together as a unit."
Of or relating to a biopsy.
A culture made from purulent (pus) exudate (fluid) in which various cells, including the phagocytes, are still viable or alive.
biopyocultured (adjective), more biopyocultured, most biopyocultured
A reference to the preparation of pus with living cells which were developed for medical purposes.
Based on biological principles; having an effect by natural means; said, for example of such pesticidal agents as viruses, bacteria, protozoa, fungi, or naturally occurring biochemicals.
A large tank for growing microorganisms used in industrial production: A bioreactor is a fermentation chamber or vat that is used for growing biochemically active matter or microorganisms which are then used for making drugs or for recycling waste.
A microorganism created in a bioreactor and, through its biochemical reactions, can produce medically or commercially useful materials, e.g., beer from fermentation of yeast or insulin from genetically altered bacteria.
A living cell culture genetically engineered in a bioreactor can be used to produce materials useful for research in biology, medicine, and industrial processes.
A place, locale, or area that constitutes a natural ecological community: A bioregion is a unique area with distinctive soils, landforms, climates, and indigenous plants and animals.
1. The study of the physical and chemical properties of a drug, and its dosage form, as related to the onset, duration, and intensity of drug action.
2. The use of biological means to restore or clean up contaminated land; such as, by adding bacteria and other organisms that consume or neutralize contaminants in the soil.
3. The conversion of hazardous wastes and pollutants into harmless materials by the action of microorganisms.
4. The purposeful addition of organic materials to a contaminated environment to cause an acceleration of natural processes to degrade or transform hazardous organic contaminants into harmless conditions.
2. The use of biological means to restore or clean up contaminated land; such as, by adding bacteria and other organisms that consume or neutralize contaminants in the soil.
3. The conversion of hazardous wastes and pollutants into harmless materials by the action of microorganisms.
4. The purposeful addition of organic materials to a contaminated environment to cause an acceleration of natural processes to degrade or transform hazardous organic contaminants into harmless conditions.