bio-, bi-, -bia, -bial, -bian, -bion, -biont, -bius, -biosis, -bium, -biotic, -biotical
(Greek: life; living, live, alive)
Don’t confuse this element with another bi- which means "two".
The most important things in life are not things.
1. The microbial conversion of a chemical into a compound of economic importance, or the conversion of organic material into a source of energy, using biological processes or organisms.
2. Any of various processes that use plants or micro-organisms to change one form of energy into another form; such as, the fermentation of carbohydrates into alcohol; the digestion of organic wastes, or sewage, with micro-organisms to produce methane.
3. The conversion of biomass into usable energy; such as, by burning solid fuel for heat, by fermenting plant matter to produce liquid fuel, as ethanol, or by the bacterial decomposition of organic waste to produce methane.
2. Any of various processes that use plants or micro-organisms to change one form of energy into another form; such as, the fermentation of carbohydrates into alcohol; the digestion of organic wastes, or sewage, with micro-organisms to produce methane.
3. The conversion of biomass into usable energy; such as, by burning solid fuel for heat, by fermenting plant matter to produce liquid fuel, as ethanol, or by the bacterial decomposition of organic waste to produce methane.
Corrosion caused by, or enhanced by, bacteria or other microorganisms; resulting in biologically induced corrosion.
A bureaucrat representing the interests of the biological sciences or environmental protection.
A crude oil similar to petroleum which can be produced from biomass under high pressure and temperature.
It can then be treated with hydrogen to upgrade it to a transportation fuel for use in place of conventional diesel fuels.
Someone who applies mathematical theory to the communication and control of living organisms: A biocyberneticist obtains or provides physiological feedback mechanisms and central nervous system controls, including the brain, spinal cord, nerves, and ganglia (the mass of nerve tissue existing outside the central nervous system).
1. The science of communications and control in animals: The study of biocybernetics involves information about the physiological performance of the mechanisms and central nervous system controls and of the interactions between organisms and mechanical or electronic systems.
2. The science of communication and control within a living being; especially, on a molecular basis: Biocybernetics includes the processes of how communications and controls occur within the bodies of living systems between different parts of the body and of the interactions between organisms and mechanical or electronic systems.
2. The science of communication and control within a living being; especially, on a molecular basis: Biocybernetics includes the processes of how communications and controls occur within the bodies of living systems between different parts of the body and of the interactions between organisms and mechanical or electronic systems.
1. One of the three main divisions of the biosphere: marine, freshwater, or terrestrial habitat.
2. The rhythmic repetition of certain phenomena observed in living organisms.
2. The rhythmic repetition of certain phenomena observed in living organisms.
biodata, bio
Biographical details, especially those supplied by candidates applying for jobs; a résumé.
The capacity of being broken down chemically by organisms in the environment: The biodegradability of the new kind of plastic was proven to be a great thing and totally accepted by the consumers.
biodegradable (adjective), more biodegradable, most biodegradable
Relating to organic compounds that can be decomposed by natural processes: Environmentally friendly people are interested in using only biodegradable detergents, which can be broken down by biological agents, particularly by bacteria, when washing their clothes or dishes.
Most plastics, for example, are not biodegradable and will remain in the environment for ever!
biodegradation, biological degradation
1. The series of processes by which living systems render chemicals less noxious to the environment.
2. The breakdown of organic materials into simple chemicals by biochemical processes..
2. The breakdown of organic materials into simple chemicals by biochemical processes..
1. To decay and to become absorbed by the environment.
2. The conversion of molecules from one form to another within an organism, often associated with change in pharmacologic activity; refers especially to drugs and other xenobiotics.
3. The series of processes by which living systems render chemicals less noxious to the environment.
2. The conversion of molecules from one form to another within an organism, often associated with change in pharmacologic activity; refers especially to drugs and other xenobiotics.
3. The series of processes by which living systems render chemicals less noxious to the environment.
Also, biotransformation.
The science dealing with the integration of ecology and the genetics of human populations: Biodemographies consist of information about birth and death processes as they relate to populations in general and to humans in particular.
biodestructable (adjective), more biodestructable, most biodestructable
Capable of being decomposed into harmless elements without endangering the environment: Mrs. Smart told her students in class that some kinds of paper were biodestructable and could be used for wrapping up peelings from carrots, apples, etc.
The breakdown of materials by microbial action: Biodeterioration is a situation where organic compounds can be decomposed by bacteria and other micro-organisms; such as, the constituents of sewage.