tend-, tendo-, ten-, teno-, tenot-, tenonto-, tens-, tent-, -tend, -tension, -tent, -tense, -tensive, -tentious
(Greek > Latin: to move in a certain direction; to stretch, to hold out; tension; as well as tendon, sinew)
distended (adjective), more distended, most distended
Abnormally expanded or increased in size; especially, by fluids or gas.
1. Something that expands by stretching, as something hollow or elastic: "Mike's overeating became a distender of his stomach."
2. Anything that spreads in all directions or which expands or swells.
2. Anything that spreads in all directions or which expands or swells.
1. Capable of being distended.
2. Anything which can be stretched and expanded.
2. Anything which can be stretched and expanded.
The action of stretching longitudinally, straightening out, or placing at full length; causing an extension; straining, racking.
A distending or being distended; inflation; expansion; stretching.
1. To stretch out or draw out to a certain point, or for a certain distance or time.
2. To enlarge in area, scope, influence, meaning, effect, time.
3. To stretch or thrust forth; hold out; proffer.
2. To enlarge in area, scope, influence, meaning, effect, time.
3. To stretch or thrust forth; hold out; proffer.
1. Stretched out; spread out.
2. Prolonged; continued.
3. Enlarged in influence, meaning, scope, effect, etc.; extensive.
2. Prolonged; continued.
3. Enlarged in influence, meaning, scope, effect, etc.; extensive.
1. The quality of being extensible.
2. The capacity of being extended; as, the extensibility of a fiber.
2. The capacity of being extended; as, the extensibility of a fiber.
Capable of being protruded, stretched, or opened out.
1. The act of enlarging, expanding, or the condition of being increased: The extension of the freeway made it possible for people to drive directly to their destination and not have to travel through all the little towns on the country road.
2. The degree, range, or amount to which something can be stretched: The extension of the rubber band was just right to put around the package.
3. The act of straightening, lengthening, or positioning part of one's body: The seamstress measured the extension of June’s arms in order to know how long the sleeves of the dress should be.
4. In medicine, the application of traction to a fractured or damaged limb in order to restore it back to its normal location: After the accident during which Tom’s leg had been broken, the doctor used an extension in order to allow it to heal properly.
5. An addition that increases the area, influence, operation, or contents of something: They built a new extension on the hospital so it could accommodate more patients.
6. An extra telephone which is joined to the main line: Nils has an extension in his home office where he can make phone calls pertaining to his job without disturbing his family.
7. An allowance of extra time, as for the repayment of a debt: Jerome really appreciated the bank's agreement to give him an extension of the repayment of the loan that he owed.
8. A program in a university, college, or school that offers classes by television or correspondence, to people who are unable to attend during the usual time or in a regular place: There are possibilities of studying for a college degree by providing extensions of courses at institutions of higher learning via the internet.
9. Additional time that is allowed for accomplishing something: Sam asked his supervisor for an extension of the deadline that was designated so he can successfully complete the project that was assigned to him.
2. The degree, range, or amount to which something can be stretched: The extension of the rubber band was just right to put around the package.
3. The act of straightening, lengthening, or positioning part of one's body: The seamstress measured the extension of June’s arms in order to know how long the sleeves of the dress should be.
4. In medicine, the application of traction to a fractured or damaged limb in order to restore it back to its normal location: After the accident during which Tom’s leg had been broken, the doctor used an extension in order to allow it to heal properly.
5. An addition that increases the area, influence, operation, or contents of something: They built a new extension on the hospital so it could accommodate more patients.
6. An extra telephone which is joined to the main line: Nils has an extension in his home office where he can make phone calls pertaining to his job without disturbing his family.
7. An allowance of extra time, as for the repayment of a debt: Jerome really appreciated the bank's agreement to give him an extension of the repayment of the loan that he owed.
8. A program in a university, college, or school that offers classes by television or correspondence, to people who are unable to attend during the usual time or in a regular place: There are possibilities of studying for a college degree by providing extensions of courses at institutions of higher learning via the internet.
9. Additional time that is allowed for accomplishing something: Sam asked his supervisor for an extension of the deadline that was designated so he can successfully complete the project that was assigned to him.
extensive (adjective), more extensive, most extensive
1. A reference to something which covers a large region or area: After working in the extensive garden spreading out behind her house, Jane was very tired and went inside to drink some tea.
2. Relating to a wide scope, power, effect, influence, etc.; far-reaching; comprehensive: Paul read a lot about horses and so he had extensive knowledge about how to raise, breed, and ride them.

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2. Relating to a wide scope, power, effect, influence, etc.; far-reaching; comprehensive: Paul read a lot about horses and so he had extensive knowledge about how to raise, breed, and ride them.

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1. An instrument for measuring minute degrees of deformation caused by tension, twisting, etc.
2. An instrument for measuring the deformation of metal under stress, or an instrument in which such deformation is used to register the elastic strains borne by other materials (e.g. concrete).
2. An instrument for measuring the deformation of metal under stress, or an instrument in which such deformation is used to register the elastic strains borne by other materials (e.g. concrete).
Any of various muscles that extend or straighten some part of the body; especially, a flexed arm or leg.
1. The space, amount, or degree to which a thing extends; size; length; breadth (to stretch out).
2. Range or limits of anything; scope; coverage.
2. Range or limits of anything; scope; coverage.
extenuate (verb), extenuates; extenuated; extenuating
1. To make a mistake or wrongdoing seem less serious than it first appeared to be: To extenuate something by representing it as being less blameworthy or to make excuses for doing it.
2. To cause something; such as, a fault, offense, etc. to be less significant: Henry was not fined by the police for speeding because he had to get to the hospital as quickly as possible; so, his action extenuated or justified the reason for his driving so fast.

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2. To cause something; such as, a fault, offense, etc. to be less significant: Henry was not fined by the police for speeding because he had to get to the hospital as quickly as possible; so, his action extenuated or justified the reason for his driving so fast.
Extenuate should be used about a situation that is minimized, not that of the person.
3. Etymology: from Latin extenuat-, past participle stem of extenuare, "to lessen" from ex-, "out" + tenuare, "to make thin, to diminish, to lessen"; from tenuis, "thin".

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Some related "tension" words are available at this tono- unit.