photo-, phot-, -photic

(Greek: light; ultraviolet and infrared radiation; radiant energy)

The breakdown of a chemical compound into simpler substances by means of incident electromagnetic energy, especially visible light.
Having the property of photoconductivity; that is, describing certain materials in which exposure to light results in an increase in electrical conductivity.
photoconductivity, photoconduction
1. Electrical conductivity affected by exposure to light.
2. An effect observed in many substances, in which the electrical conductivity is increased when the substance is exposed to electromagnetic radiation, usually in the visible region of the light spectrum.
The conversion of a substance from one form to another by using the energy supplied by light.
A copy of something printed, written, or drawn that is produced almost instantly by a photographic process in a machine designed for this purpose.
An electric current produced when a form of radiant energy; such as, ultraviolet light, strikes an electrode.
Pertaining to a dermatitis (skin inflammation) in which exposure to light is an important factor.
Specialized bioluminescent cells containing lumisomes, as in the sea pansy.
photodegradable (adjective), more photodegradable, most photodegradable
Able to be decomposed into a simpler substance especially by ultraviolet light; The plastic bottle that had been thrown out of the car window was photodegradable and considered to be trash, and was done by a litterbug.
The decomposition of a substance resulting from the action of light.
1. An abnormal state of the skin in which light is an important factor.
2. Inflammation of the skin caused by light; especially, sunlight.
3. Sensitivity of the epithelium to light.

This may be a result of photoallergy or to phototoxic reactions.

A morbid condition produced in the skin by exposure to light; especially, sunlight.
1. Of or relating to the energy or force exerted by light.
2. Powerful in the light; used particularly for the action exerted by fluorescent substances in the light.
1. A branch of biology dealing with the effects of light on living organisms.
2. The activating effect of light on living organisms, as in causing phototropism in plants.
3. The study of the vitalizing effect of light.
photodynia (s) (noun) (no pl)
Ocular pain caused by light; photalgia: Mrs. Lawson was told by her ophthalmologist that light sensitivity and discomfort was called photodynia and could be brought on by sunlight or by artificial light, and could be a symptom of certain eye conditions, of migraines, or of a bacterial infection.

Etymologically related "light, shine, glow" word families: ethero-; fulg-; luco-; lumen-, lum-; luna, luni-; lustr-; phengo-; pheno-; phospho-; scinti-, scintill-; splendo-.