ped-, pedi-, -pedal, -ped, -pede, -pedia

(Latin: foot, feet; people often see this ped element in other words. When people refer to "pedal extremities", they mean "feet". When anyone pushes the pedals of a bicycle, it is done with the feet. A pedestrian must use the feet for walking. A quadruped has four feet while a centipede has "100 feet"; or a large number of them because it may be impossible to count all of them.)

1. Having feet resembling fins, fin-footed; specifically, belonging to a suborder (Pinnipedia) of Carnivora, comprising the seals and walruses, which have fin-like limbs or flippers; also, belonging to other divisions of animals having limbs or organs resembling fins and adapted for swimming, e.g. the fin-footed or lobe-footed birds, certain decapod crustaceans or crabs, the pteropod molluscs, etc.
2. A pinniped mammal; a seal or walrus.
pioneer (s) (noun), pioneers (pl)
1. A person or group of people who were the first to do something or that leads in developing something new.
2. A person who is one of the first from another country or region to explore or settle in a new area.
3. A foot soldier whose duties include going ahead of the main company to construct things to pave the way for them.
4. The first species of plant or animal life to begin living in a previously unoccupied site; for example, a moss beginning to grow on otherwise bare rock.
5. Etymology: from 1523, "foot soldier who prepares the way for the army", from Middle French pionnier, from Old French paonier, "foot soldier" from about the 11th century from peon; from Medieval Latin pedo, pedon-, "foot soldier"; from Latin pes-, ped-, "foot".
1. A bird with feathered feet.
2. Having feet covered with feathers.
podalgia, pedionalgia, pedioneuralgia (s) (noun) (no pl)
Pain in one foot or both feet: Such foot pains, like podalgia, may be a result of gout or rheumtism, among other causes.

Podalgia can cause suffering in the sole of a foot or both feet.

Podalgia can also be described as pododynia or tarsalgia.

podomancy (s) (noun) (no pl)
Divination from the interpretations of signs derived by examining the feet: Podomancy can be interpreted in terms of lines and mounts of a foot, exactly as in chiromancy or palmistry, but to a greatly limited degree.
Any creature that has many feet; many footed.
1. An animal that has four feet. Usually a reference to mammals, and excluding four-footed reptiles.
2. Belonging to, connected with, or appropriate to four-footed animals.
1. Of animals, four-footed; using all four feet for walking or running.
2. Sometimes a reference to a person: on hands and knees.
Having feet that are oar-shaped, or used as oars for swimming (a reference to certain insects).
scopiped, scopuliped
Any species of bee which has on the hind legs a brush of hairs used for collecting pollen; such as, the hive bees and bumblebees
A thing a foot and a half in length.
sesquipedalia (s) (noun), sesquipedalias (pl)
A reference to a foot and half in length or to very long words: "Hellen's history professor, Dr. Mason, had a tendency to speak in sesquipedalia, using long, multi-syllable words instead of clear straightforward language."
sesquipedalian (s) (noun), sesquipedalians (pl)
1. Words and expressions with an abnormal number of letters or syllables: "While ped may refer to a foot as a measure of length, it can also refer to what the Roman poet, Horace, spoke humorously of as, sesquipedalia verba; words which are a 'foot and a half long' and which exist in English as sesquipedalians with the same meanings."
2. A person or thing that is a foot and a half in height or length: "The hikers were startled to see the footprints in the snow that were obviously sesquipedalians in size and which made the hikers wonder if a mountain monster lived in the area."

Keep in mind that all of the ped words which you see in English are not always from the Latin "foot" or "feet". There are also some Greek ped words in English which do not mean "foot"! So, don't confuse this Latin element with a Greek pedo- that means "child" or the Greek pedo- which means "ground, soil".

If you want to leave footprints in the sands of time, don’t drag your feet.


For more information about ped-, or "foot, feet" words, click on this expeditious, expedite link.

Related "foot, feet" units: melo-; planta-; podo-; -pus.