ped-, pedi-, -pedal, -ped, -pede, -pedia
(Latin: foot, feet; people often see this ped element in other words. When people refer to "pedal extremities", they mean "feet". When anyone pushes the pedals of a bicycle, it is done with the feet. A pedestrian must use the feet for walking. A quadruped has four feet while a centipede has "100 feet"; or a large number of them because it may be impossible to count all of them.)
An instrument for recording the number of steps taken when walking.
Moved by foot power; a velocipede.

Any disease of the foot: Raymond was intrigued by rare words and expressions and discovered that pedopathy pertained to any kind of infection of the feet.
Flattening of the foot or feet.
pedorthics, pedorthic
The design, manufacture, fit, and modification of shoes and related foot appliances as prescribed for amelioration of painful and/or disabling conditions of the foot and limb.
A person skilled in pedorthics and practicing its application in individual cases.
pedoscope, pedoscopy
An x-ray machine for showing the fitting and movement of the feet inside shoes (formerly common in shoe shops).
A kind of leg covering worn in ancient and early medieval times, made of soft leather, flannel, or the like, and in a shape similar to a high boot.
peduncle, peduncular
1. The stalk that attaches a single flower, flower cluster, or fruit to the stem.
2. A stalk supporting an animal organ; such as, the eye-stalk of a lobster.
3. A part resembling a stalk in shape or function, e.g. the base of a fish's tail or a structure attaching an invertebrate animal to the place where it lives.
4. In botany,the stem or stalk that supports the fructification of a plant, and of course, the fruit.
5. Etymology: from modern Latin pedunculus, "small foot"; from Latin ped- "foot".
2. A stalk supporting an animal organ; such as, the eye-stalk of a lobster.
3. A part resembling a stalk in shape or function, e.g. the base of a fish's tail or a structure attaching an invertebrate animal to the place where it lives.
4. In botany,the stem or stalk that supports the fructification of a plant, and of course, the fruit.
5. Etymology: from modern Latin pedunculus, "small foot"; from Latin ped- "foot".
pedunculus, pedunclular
1. A stemlike connecting part.
2. A collection of nerve fibers connecting between different regions in the central nervous system.
3. The stalk by which a non-sessile tumor is attached to normal tissue.
2. A collection of nerve fibers connecting between different regions in the central nervous system.
3. The stalk by which a non-sessile tumor is attached to normal tissue.
Someone who does boring menial tasks; a laborer who is obliged to do menial work.
From early 17th century via Spanish peón, Portuguese peão, "foot soldier" from medieval Latin pedon- which is from Latin ped-, "foot".
1. The status or condition of being a peon: In the story Jane was reading, the poor man was reduced to peonage because he had high debts due to the landlord.
2. Any system that involves involuntary servitude: In Latin America and the southern United States, peonage was a former practice or procedure in which a debtor was forced to work for a creditor until a debt was paid off.
2. Any system that involves involuntary servitude: In Latin America and the southern United States, peonage was a former practice or procedure in which a debtor was forced to work for a creditor until a debt was paid off.
Having a stem or pedicle.
petiole, petioles
1. The slender stem that supports the blade of a leaf.
2. A stalk or peduncle, that connects the abdomen and thorax in wasps.
3. Etymology: Latin petiolus, variant of peciolus, "little foot, fruit stalk", probably from pediciolus, diminutive of pediculus.
2. A stalk or peduncle, that connects the abdomen and thorax in wasps.
3. Etymology: Latin petiolus, variant of peciolus, "little foot, fruit stalk", probably from pediciolus, diminutive of pediculus.
Having lobed toes, as certain birds.
Keep in mind that all of the ped words which you see in English are not always from the Latin "foot" or "feet". There are also some Greek ped words in English which do not mean "foot"! So, don't confuse this Latin element with a Greek pedo- that means "child" or the Greek pedo- which means "ground, soil".
If you want to leave footprints in the sands of time, don’t drag your feet.