iso-, is-

(Greek: equal; by extension: same, similar, alike; normally used as a prefix)

Used in numerous terms, nearly all scientific; denoting: equality, similarity, uniformity, or identity; the second element being properly and usually of Greek origin, rarely of Latin [the proper prefix in the latter case being equi-]. In biology, denoting for or from different individuals of the same species). For a large list of iso- opposites or antonyms, see aniso-.

A compound that exists in forms having different arrangements of atoms but the same molecular weight.
1. Indicating, having, or exhibiting equality of dimensions or measurements.
2. In physiology, denoting the condition when the ends of a contracting muscle are held fixed so that contraction produces increased tension at a constant overall length.
3. In chemistry, compounded of the same elements in the same proportion by weight, but differing in one or more properties.
4. Having similar parts in similar numbers.
1. Repetition of similar parts.
2. The condition of having two or more comparable parts made up of identical numbers of similar segments.
1. In biology and zoology, with parts that are similar in number, markings, or other characteristics.
2. Having or designating floral whorls with equal numbers of parts.
1. Of the same measure; characterized by equality of measure.
2. Used to describe exercises in which muscles are put under tension but not allowed to contract.
3. In poetry, having the same number of metrical feet in each line.
A form of exercise in which the muscles are pushed against something fixed or against other muscles to strengthen them.
1. A condition of equal refraction in both eyes.
2. A condition of the eyes in which they have the same power of refraction, or the bending of light that takes place within the human eye.

Refractive errors include nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia), and astigmatism. Lenses, or glasses, can be used to control the amount of refraction, correcting those errors.

1. The fact of being equal in dimension with several scientific, geographical, mathematical, meteorological, and other applications.
2. Equality of measure; such as, equality of height above sea level or equality of loudness etc.
isomorph, isomorphism
1. Superficial similarity between individuals of different species or races.
2. Equal in form; crystallizing in the same form.
3. A line in a linguistic atlas connecting places exhibiting identical or nearly identical morphological forms; a morphological isogloss.
4. A substance or organism that exhibits similarity in form or appearance to others.
5. An animal, plant, or group having superficial similarity to another; although phylogenetically different.
Used to describe a chemical compound that is able to crystallize in a form similar to another chemical compound.
1. A line on a weather chart connecting points that have the same degree of cloudiness.
2. A line on a map, etc. connecting places at which the amount of clouds for a given period (e.g., a year) is the same.
An indication of the equality of cloudiness.
Denotes marriage between persons of the same or nearly the same age.
isonomy, isonomic, isonomous
Equality of laws, or of people before the law; equality of political rights and privileges among the citizens of a state.
1. A new name, of a species, etc., based on the same older name.
2. Having the same surname.
3. A word of the same derivation or form as another name.

Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving word units dealing with "equal, identical, same, similar": auto-; emul-; equ-, equi-; homeo-; homo-; pari-; peer; rhomb-; syn-; tauto-.