iso-, is-
(Greek: equal; by extension: same, similar, alike; normally used as a prefix)
Used in numerous terms, nearly all scientific; denoting: equality, similarity, uniformity, or identity; the second element being properly and usually of Greek origin, rarely of Latin [the proper prefix in the latter case being equi-]. In biology, denoting for or from different individuals of the same species). For a large list of iso- opposites or antonyms, see aniso-.
isodynamic, isodynamical
1. Describing equal forces or forces that remain constant with time.
2. Relating to foods or other materials that liberate the same amount of energy on combustion.
3. Describing an imaginary surface on which force is everywhere the same.
3. Indicating equal (magnetic) force; applied to lines connecting points (of the earth’s surface, etc.) at which the intensity of the magnetic force is the same; or to a map or chart on which such lines are marked.
2. Relating to foods or other materials that liberate the same amount of energy on combustion.
3. Describing an imaginary surface on which force is everywhere the same.
3. Indicating equal (magnetic) force; applied to lines connecting points (of the earth’s surface, etc.) at which the intensity of the magnetic force is the same; or to a map or chart on which such lines are marked.
Applied to a line on a radar display along which the echo signal (from clouds and the like) has the same strength, and to devices and techniques relating to such lines (as in the detection of rain and atmospheric turbulence).
Having, denoting, or giving rise to equal amounts of energy; taking place at constant energy.
isogamy, isogamous
1. The fusion of isogametes in some algae and fungi during reproduction. An isogamete is a gamete that is physically identical to another with which it unites to form a zygote.
2. The union of two equal and similar gametes or cells in reproduction, as in conjugation. Among animals the male gametes are known as spermatozoa and the female gametes as eggs or ova.
2. The union of two equal and similar gametes or cells in reproduction, as in conjugation. Among animals the male gametes are known as spermatozoa and the female gametes as eggs or ova.
1. Having identical genotypes.
2. Of a tissue graft, involving a genetically identical host and donor.
2. Of a tissue graft, involving a genetically identical host and donor.
1. Of the same origin.
2. Used to describe bodily organs or parts that have the same or a similar origin.
2. Used to describe bodily organs or parts that have the same or a similar origin.
isogeothermal, isogeothermic (adjective) (not comparable)
A descriptive reference to a line or surface (usually imaginary) connecting points in the interior of the Earth having the same temperature; The students were asked to present isogeothermal lines showing the exact same degrees of hotness or coldness within the planet.
1. In linguistics, a speech area in which a line between places that delimits any feature of language; such as, pronunciation, inflection, vocabulary, or syntax is shown.
2. The geographical range of a given word, pronunciation, or usage.
2. The geographical range of a given word, pronunciation, or usage.
Having the molar teeth alike (the same) in both jaws.
A figure having equal angles.
Having equal angles, equiangular.
Having , or pertaining to, equal angles.
1. A tissue graft involving a genetically identical host and donor.
2. A graft taken from an identical twin of the recipient or from an animal of the same inbred strain.
2. A graft taken from an identical twin of the recipient or from an animal of the same inbred strain.
A proposed general term for lines on a diagram, etc. indicating equality of some physical condition or quantity, as isotherms, isobars, etc.
1. The reproduction of the same penmanship as someone else: The teacher, Mrs. Gray, was quite shocked when she discovered that Jill, her student, used isography on her excuse for being late to school, when she forged her mother's signature.
2. Etymology: derived from Greek iso(s)-, "equal to, same as" + -graphy, "writing".

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2. Etymology: derived from Greek iso(s)-, "equal to, same as" + -graphy, "writing".