iatro-, iater-, -iatria, -iatric, -iatrician, -iatrics, -iatrist, -iatry; -iatricians, -iatrists, -iatries +
(Greek: physician; heal, cure, treat; medical healing)
2. Healing by the laying on of hands.
2. The study of canine diseases.
2. A branch of medicine consisting of the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of youth (18-25 years).
Adolf Meyer, M.D., LL.D., (September 13, 1866 in Niederweningen, near Zurich, Switzerland - March 17, 1950), was a Swiss psychiatrist who rose to prominence as the president of the American Psychiatric Association and was one of the most influential figures in psychiatry in the first half of the twentieth century.
His focus on collecting detailed case histories on patients is the most prominent of his contributions; along with his insistence that patients could best be understood through consideration of their life situations.
2. A physician who specializes in the diseases of old age.
3. An expert in geriatrics.
The importance of geriatrics is emphasized by the fact that the expected lifespans of more people are increasing.

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Related "health" word families and articles: Health: Index; Hygeia > hygiene > health; salu-; sana-, sani-.
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